shall be jointly employed and their services used for the work
of both of sai(l offices.
Section 2. Every insurance company licensed to do busi-
ness in this state, and doing, at the time that this. Act shall
take effect, a business of insurance against loss or damage by
fire, lightning, hail, windstorm or sprinkler leakage, shall with-
in thirty days thereafter file with the secretary of the said
"A. Two copies of every general basis schedule now be-
ing applied in this state, showing all charges and credits,
terms,- privileges, rides and conditions, which in, anywise
affect rates, or the cost of insurance on property located in
this state.
"B. Two copies of every book of published specific esti-
mates or rates with inserts, showing revisions and additions
to date; two copies of every printed rate card where the rate
card system is in use; and two copies of a statement showing
every specific rate not given in a. book of estimates or rates, or
not given in a set of printed rate cards."
Ti'e grade oif each town or municipality shall be shown in
connection with such information together with two copies
of the inspection report upon which each town has been
graded. The basis tables of the Analytic system that are in use
in various localities shall be stated. In each case where the
rate has not been formed by the application of a general basis
schedule, the fact shall be noted. The information shall show
also the general type of construction and occupancy of each
risk and if it is protected by automatic sprinklers the fact
shall be noted. Provided, that all companies that use the
same general basis schedules and specific rates may authorize
some agent to file the two sets of required information in
common for all. Any company thus represented that deviates
in any manner or particular from the information filed in com-
mon shall file in addition thereto a, full statement of the plan
of deviation which it follows. It shall be the duty of said
board to consider the information thus filed, with reference to
the reasonableness of the general basis schedules, charges and