COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO.                            911
Expenses of adjustment and settlement or losses ...................     69,578
Commissions or brokerage ....................       ................... 
929,635 50
Allowances to local agencies for amiscellaneous agency expenses ....   i
     084 N I
Salaries, $58,555.77, and expenses, $36,978.56, of special and general
agents ...9,........                                                   95,534
Salaries, fees and all other charges of offiers.. directors, trustees
and home office, employes .............. ............................  172.012"
Rents, including $9,750.00 for comal)any's occnpancy of its own
buildings ...          ........                                       25,069
Advertising, $6,232.27; printing and stationery, $34,671.21 .  ......   40,903
Postage, telegrams, tetlephone and express ........................    .
2 2,178 74
Legal expenses       ........................................      .    
  816 68
Furniture and fixtures      ....................... ......................
 8,397 21
Maps, including corrections ........      ...............................
 4,332 42
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations           .       .        42,659
Fire department, tire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees.
taxes and expenses            .             .                         38.
547 34
Inspections and surveys .....................2...                       
2.27(0 59
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate   .    .......   30,071
Taxes on real estate .................................................  
.17,539 5(1
State taxes on premiums                      .            .             92.384
Insurance department licenses and fees        .        ................ 
14.987 69
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax .......      ....................  $6. 5.5k 68
Pranchise tax .......                                     4,657 25
State, county and municipal licenses and fees ......      9.120 76
-      20,33i6 69
Other disbursements:
Exchange .      .........................................  $4,426 44
Remitted home office ........      ......................  834,291 99
___          838., 71S 43
Deposit premiums returned            ......................             
4,178 94
Agents' balances charged off           .           .                    
5, 9bn 81
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets: Stocks.          .     
  262 90
'Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of led-
ger assets:
Bonds ...............................................   $19,063 S8
Stocks ..............................................    17,775 95
36.839 93
Total disbursements ..........      ............................... $5,082,967
Balance .     ............................................... $7.5732.11

Book value of real estate....................
Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens, $23,000.00;
other than first. $35,000.00........................
Book value of bonds. $4,972,770.73, and. stocks,
$132,354.98 .........      .........................
Cash in company's office.$ 335 70
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest.                         172,423 5.3
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on interest .425,366 53
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1.     .......................191.
Agents' balanees, representing business written prior
to October 1. 1912 .      ............      ........
Bills receivable, taken for fire risks..................
Total ledger assets .............................

$698,163 62
58.(00 00
5,105,125 71
598,125 7(,
1,069,490 41
44,226 27
79 85
....$......... 7.573,211 62

Interest accrued on niortgages .....   ..................  $1. 341 2.5
Interest accruied on bonds ............................  70,905 00
Rents accrued on company's property or lease ........     S,593 34
Total .....80,81......I.                                        sosi1 59
Market value of real estate over book value .189,836 38
G_'ross  assets  ..  ..  ..  .  ..  .  .   ., . . . . .,, .  ............
. ., 7 4,san