722            NORTUHWESTERN        FIRE & MARINE INS. CO.
-   *                           ~~~~~~~Tornado
Fire.       and hail.
Gross amount paid policyholders for
losses (including $9,000.50 occurring
In previous years)...................    $207,881 45  $358,759 41
Deduct amount received for salvage:
fire,  $1,114.07;  reinsurance:   fire.
$106,547.12;   tornado    and    hail,
$101,566.35; discount: fire, $10.00 .....  107,671 19  101,566 35
Net amount paid     policyholders
for losses ......... .............  $100,210 26  $257,193 06  $357,403 '12
Expenses of adjustment and settlement of losses .8,574 69
Commissions or brokerage .137,936 14
Allowances to local agencies for miscellaneous agency expenses          1,235
Salaries, $12,237.46, and expenses, $10,197.66, of special and general
agents .22,435 12
Salaries, fees, and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and home office employes......              ......................    37,322
Rents for company's occupancy of its own buildings .3,660 00
Advertising, $1,811.23; printing and stationery, $3,593.28 .5,404 51
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express        .     .    .           4,637
Legal expenses                  .         .         .1,879 S1
Furniture and fixtures.                                                 
  255 87
Maps, including corrections .......................................     
  563 0,3
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations .....................      
1,379 07
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses .......................                            ,19
Inspections and surveys ....................                            
1,934 0()
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate         .        3,549
Taxes on real estate.      ......................................       
 922 07
State taxes on premiums.     ......................................     
6,881 82
Insurance department licenses and fees .3,924 44
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Fire marshal tax ......      ............................  $491 73
Municipal and county taxes and licenses ...........        896 28
-______             1,388 01
Other disbursements:
Bradlstreet & Co . ..................................     $1. (00
R.I (41. Dun & Co.110 00
TUnderwriters' Protective Associafion ...............      200 00
General ....                                               149 25       
Premiums on bonds purchased .......                                     
1,492 2f)
Paid stockholders for. dividends................................... ..30,000
Agents' balances charged off .........                                  
 1,85 4
Gross increase, by adjustment, in book value of ledger assets: Real
estate.5,000 0).......                                                  ,0
Total disbursements .......                                     $649,700
Balance ........               . .    .984. 251.  .               09!
MNortgage loans on reol estate.first liens ..............  $549,250 00
Ptook value of bonds, 8116,775.00, and stocks, S1.700.00  118,475 00
('ash in company's office ...............    $5,703 47
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest ........   ..............  85,667 16
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on interest ................................  166,136 73
257,507 36
Agents' bplarnps ren)rnsentin- business written sub-
sequient to October 1. 1912 ...........................  32,112 35
Ag>ents' balanoes reoresenting business written prior
to October 1. 1912 ..................................      0 .
'"ills rpepivable. taken for fire risks ..................   . 4,87
Other ledger assets: Due from reinsurance companies       18,488 44
Total ledger assets .945..0................................9