TABLE I.Income.-Decerer 31st, 1912.-


Name of Company.
Germania     .......................................
Girard   F. & M..................................
Glens Falls ......................................
Globe &    Rutgers ...............................
Granite State     ..................................
Hanover ........................................
Hartford     .......................................
Home      ..........................................
Humboldt      ......................................
Imperial    ........................................
Insurance Co. of No. Am.......................
Insurance Co., St. of Pa........................
Liverpool &     London    &  Globe.................
Lumber ...................
Lumbermen's      ...................................
Maryland Motor Car .............a.-
Massachusetts F. &      M..........................
Mechanics .......................................
Mechanics &     Traders ..........................
M.'ehigan   Commercial ........................
Michigan P. &      M...............................
Minneapolis    P. &   M............................
Nassau    &  Dutchess ............................
National Ben Franklin .........................
National Brewers' ..............................
National Fire ..........
National Lumber ...............................
National Union      ................................
New   Jersey   .....................................
Newark .............                         .
New Brunswick ............                 .
New   Hampshire     ................................
Niagara     ........................................
North British    and Mercantile..................
North River ............                 .
Northern     .......................................
Northwestern F. & M.....................
Old   Colony    ....................................
Orient    ..........................................
Pelican    .........................................
Pennsylvania      ..................................
Peoples National ...............................
Phoenix     ...         ...  ......
Pittsburgh    ......................................
Providence-Washington        ........................
'Queen   ...........................................
Reliance    ........................................
Rhode Island ...................................
Security Fire, Davenport, Ia ..................
Security, New     Haven, Conn ...................
Springfield F. &     M.............................
Standard     .......................................
St. Paul F. &      M...............................
Sterling   .........................................
Teutonia Fire, Pittsburgh, Pa ............
'Tornado and Hail.

a sets
Dec. b3, 1911.
$6,9199,103 02
2,536,885 80
5,571,203 27
6,501,890 98
1,168,183 97
4,570,085 75
24,756,809 82
32,070,752 78
1,339,986 51
505,086 18
16,740,126 98
3,732,733 41
973,975 61
928,326 14
1,790,426 70
361.854 88
1,190,950 52
1,386,690 01
1,464,238 66
1,088,599 98
1,427,039 11
547,451 71
1,394,988 65
3,163,812 06
346,245 32
12,486,075 52
419,600 07
3,885,896 63
1,338,452 86
1,579,688 75
713,118 68
5,192,505 90
6,451,775 OJ
1,953,828 90
2,369,066 84
1,243,070 06
794,593 44
1,236,031 16
3,386,920 29
721,982 21
7,743,621 15
2,033,286 55
10,363,247 71
549,021 01
3,297,314 76
9,542,820 17
1,809,857 35
1,271,928 64
544,173 33
3,778,224 68
9,684,439 53
1,125,359 85
8,097,736 10
1, 351, W2 88
1,042,782 55

Fire.        Marine.

$3,942,524 17
1,339,176 96
2,866,019 38
5,659,020 10
848,023 27
3,857,378 24
19,593,630 85
18,527,809 71
1,028,169 10
292,051 05
8,542,684 81
4,104,995 28
668,027 69
744,966 34
365,052 49
162,405 32
538,899 05
533,051 47
1,256,098 23
1,064,400 90
1,070,512 59
112,943 10
1,165,214 82
2,182,079 61
43,029 18
12,222,388 47
350,845 73
4,169,209 14
943,693 14
1,007,418 80
778,967 69
3,113,292 99
4,704,531 67
929,819 22
3,310,005 55
914,4-90 69
499,605 27
724,758 38
2,236,333 95
477,539 38
4,644,627 36
1,348,466 66
7,216,430 50
313,868 00
3,588,841 28
6,055,268 36
1,571,624 76
873,731 42
295,426 60
3,141,796 28
7,550,569 79
656,821 80
5,833,303 43
318,623 87
878,315 56

$7,450 00
1,157,973 07
1,154,882 14
........... .... . -
4,626,389 01
51,840 52
58,604 18
..6.* ... . . .. . .
168,325 42
1,131 45
110,810 55
20,493 59
................. ...
........... .....
713,273 17
282,736 13
105,610 29
................ ..
1,501,650 95
689,184 37
2,3 92191
* * ............. .. 4*