HUMBOLDT FIRE INS. CO.                            645
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Home Office, 1310 BEAVER AVENUE.
[Incorporated November, 1871; commenced business November 17, 1871; ad-
mitted Feb., 191,0.]
Pr'esident, A. H. TRIMBLE.                  Vice President, F. W. CARDINAL.
Secretary and Treasurer, EDWARtD IIEER.
Amount of capital paid up in cash ...................  $300,000 00
Amount of ledger assets December 31 of previous year .........     $1,339,986
Gross premiums ... ............................... $1,028,169 10
Deduct gross amount paid for reinsurance, $138,135.04;
return premiums, $i59,105.59 ........................  297,240 63
Total premiums (other than perpetual) ................. ... 6  730,928 47
Gross interest on mortgage loans ...................     5$7,031 9      
Gross interest on collateral loans .........1 ,859 07
Gross interest on bonds and dividends on stocks, less
$262.50 accrued interest on bonds acquired during
the year .........5......................................  5,235 61
Gross interest on deposits in trust companies and
banks .1,909 74
Gross interest from all other sources: Interest on
judgment notes ............    ........................   245 29
Gross rents from company's property, including $1,200
for company's occupancy of its own buildings ....       7,610 70
Total gross interest and reats .       .....                    69,922 91
From agents' balances previously charged off.....................       
271 10
Total income .$801,122 48
Total footings ...........I ............................  $2,141,108 99
Gross amount paid policyholders for losses (includ-
ing $5(0,509.78 occurring in previous' years) ........  $425,107 10
Deduct amount received for salvage, $1,789.45; rein-
surance, $54,178.79 .........  ........................  55,968 24
Net amount paid policyholders for losses .$369,138 86
Expenses of adjustment and settlement of losses .7,603 01
Commissions or brokerage .202,745 31
Salaries, $8,930.00, and expenses, $10,377.03 of special and general
agents .19,307 03
Salaries, fees and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and home office employes......................................      34,562
Rents, including $1,200.00 for company's occupancy of its own
buildings .3,188 48
Advertising, $1,896.81; printing and stationery, $6,730.83 .8,627 74
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express .7,596 01