testimony of witnesses and the production of books and papers
before the superintendent to entable himii. to perform Ids, duties
and exercise the powers fiereil provided.   Any person who
shall wilfully neglect or refuse to.obey the, process of subpoena
issued by said superintendent and testify or to produce books
and papers as therein required, shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less
than twenty dollars ($20.00), nor more than one hundred dol-
lars ($100.00), or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30)
days, or both, at the discretion of the court. No person shall be
excused from giving testimony or producing evidence when
legally called upon so to do under this act or at the trial of any
person charged with violating any of the provisions of this aet
on the ground that it may incrim-ninate him, but no person shall
be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty for, or on account of
any transaction, matter or things concerning which he may so
testify or produce books or papers, except for perjury in so
Sec. 4. Every insurance company whose business is regulated
by this act shall within thirty (30) days after the taking effect
of this aet, file with the superintendent general basis. schedules,
showing all charges and credits, terms, privileges, riders and
conditions, which in anywise affect rates, or the cost of insur-
anee on property located in this state, and shall also within
ninety (90) days after the taking effect of this act in addition
to the general basis schedules above mentioned, file with the