760                          PHOENIX INS. CO.
iRents               ................................................  28,542
Advertising, $.,239.22; printing and stationery, $44,954.18 .50,193 40
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express ......      ..................
 3:5,8(9 47
Legal expenses.8,397 23
T~egal expens es .......................................................
 8,3957 91
Fnrniture and fixtures                        .8957 91
Maps, including corrections ........ . -...................   ........  11,252
Ulnderwriters' boards and tariff associations .............0..........  69,663
Fire departmient, fire patrol and salvage corps, assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ...........     ...................................  16,472
illsJ)ectionls and surveys .1 .s, 6499
Repairs --and expenses (otlher than taxes) on real estate .... ......  3,564
T'axes on real estate.                                                 2,401
State taxes on premiums ...............     ........................... 
104.233 99
Insurance dlepartment licenses and fees    ...................   ''I  20,453
All other licenses. fees, and taxes: Municipal taxes and fees ......  23,401
Other disbursements:
.Miscellaneous expenses.688 91.
Afsclllnou  xplies.......................................................
]Federal corporation tax .........    ..................................
 4,637 43
Paild stockholders for interest or dividends, amount
(leclared during the year .......................    $320, 0() '010
Paid stockholders' tax ................    ........      55,496 95
375,496 95
Agents' balances charged off    .....................                   
 88 98
Gloss loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets:
Real estate .....................                         $42 50
Ilonds ...           ..................                 2,070 00
2,112 50
Total disbursements ..                       .   .  .   .    $5,185,009 07
Balance ................. $1-0,802,554 36
hook value of real estate .....................        $127,291 14
IMfortgage loans on real estate, first liens .27.700 00
Loans secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or other
collaterals .59,0n00 00
Book value of bonds, $5,646128.76; and stocks, $3,223,-
96 3.24 .8,870.09)2 00
('ash in company's office .9,972 40
L)eposits iii trust companies and banks not on in-
terest ...       .          .     .................    88.886 95-
Deposits in trust companies and banks on Interest       659,983 59
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1, 1912 .1,009,796 41
Agentts' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 ....................    . ..        9,831 87
Total ledger assets.                                       $10,862,554. 36
Interest accrued on mortgages.                            $576 75
Interest accrued on bonds .82, 709 96
Interest accrued on collateral loans .637 06
Tnterest aci'rued on other assets, bank denosits ......   5000 CO
Rents aceriued on company's, property or .lease           1,168 24
Tot":.al9 .0,092 01
Markilzetf value of real estate over 1oo0k value .13,722 24
Mar ket value of bonds aind -stocks over 1)ook value .780, 078 50
Other non-ledger nssets: Amount due from       American Naltional
blanlk in liouldation .7,070 00
Foreignl prelliuillms ill eour1'e of eollectio, which have not been ear-
eiel to .ledger aeeount,. gross .................   ......  $71 .,53 18S
Less(- expenses and commissions . ................9......  19, 288 58;
52,364 60
Reinsurance due from other companies oin losses paid.                  9,999
(ross assets ..............    .                 .......... $11,815,881,'28