PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON           INS. CO.                 773
Bills receivable, taken for marline ;iend inlkid risks..  20,788. 14
Bills receivable, takei for tlire risks ................. .  2t)0 00
Other Ie(lgel' assets: Balance tie froin
reinsuring companies:
Louisville ills. Co.                       $1,281 27
So. German Reins. Co1,81 I8 58Y
Sun Ills. Co . .........................       8          220
__ _ ____ .  _   2, (K,.) O)S
Total ledgrer assets ................$.. .tiS.,t;,.     ..          46  I
Interest accrued onl Loitdis .........................    $ .1,880 !)91
Interest due oln stocks .15........................             < 25
Total .      ......................................................   :.
-Market value of toads and stocks over l ook value ................. 1,059.),41:8)
Gross  assets  ...........   ......................................  $4,770,
512  15
Agents' balances, representing business w\vritten prior
to October 1, 1912 ..................................      $245 75
Bills receivable, past clue, taken for marine, inland
and  fire  risks  ......... .............................   805  (10
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ -  (11 ()  7 5
Total admitted assets .$.                  .                  $4,775,901
Gross losses adjusted alld unpaid, due ...............    $52,47 21
Gross claims for losses in process of adjustment or
in suspense, plus $30,0(0(0.0(0 reserve for losses in-
curred Iprior to December 81, of which no notice
had been re(eived on that date .....................       55 4 1) 5 0 S5
Gross claims for losses resisted ......  ................   908
Total .$497..........................................   106 27
D)educt reinsurance due or accrued ..................a .  129,082 82
Net amount of unpaid losses and    laii$0 67,0283
Gross premiums (less reinsurance) received and re-
ceivable upon all unexpired fire risks running one
year or less from date of policy, including interest
premiums onl perpetual fire risks, $1,514,632.74; uIn-
earned premiums (fifty per cent) .....     .............   8510 8(,7
Gross premiums (less reinsurance) received and re-
ceivable upon all unexpired fire risks- running more
than one year from date of policy, $2,826,705.12; un-
earned premiums (pro rata) .......................    1,241,814 28
Gross premiums (less reinsuraiice) ((casll and bills)
received and receivable upon all unexpired inland
navigation risks, $497,744.70; 0uuearued preinlintiss
(fifty per cent) .2......4.....                                8048,872 ,6
Gross premiums (less, reinsrniance) (cash aid bills)
received and re(eivatbde u1p1o1 *1 Ililuxpired(l marillue
risks, $1.05,774.61;  Irlle(l Ii('itlii1itls (5(1 l)r c'tt)
oln  time  1hll  risks  ............ ......................  .  :
T     uot:a l l inleatell  tl scoiimilput ed 5 ollli llat ( . ..............
8 (-2,81) 8 7
Salaries, retnts, expeIliss, bills(, c(olints, fs.  e te-., (1lii o01 a crleed.
 5, 0()() (11
Estinlated( amou1Ilt liereafter pivable foi federal, stat(' m111(1  tlter
taxes based 11u)0  bulsilless (If the yeai (If thlls statemiit .........
1 2,)(1 10
Total ttoulilnt ()It all 1ii bilities eXc(plet allpital .................$2,
7  '. 842 S2
(a  itl lactially  p idl  up) ili cash$1 ......1)1...............   1$, (
11 00
Suirplus over all liabilities; .1.................  .       19(1 ..,). .
58 58
Surplus; as1 regardsI pI'lWtll()ic et'15 .............................2....
.1)t9,)8 58S
Total liabilities             .......   ............ I......... $4,775,901
- - - _   _   -