1046                      SV13A FIRE & LIFIt IXS. CO.
Gross losses adjusted and unpaid (due, $17,721.79; not
yet (due, $8,917.01) ...$26..............                $26,638 80
G-ross (clilms f)r losses in process of adjustment or in
suspense, pills $55.47; reserve for losses incurred
prior to l)ec. 31, of which no notice had been re-
ceive(l on that (late ........    ........................  51,473 60
Gross claimis for losses resisted ......................    14,83i 06
Total .$92......................................    $9.2,947 46
I)eD(let reinsur-auce du(e or accrued ...................   11.0651 56
Net amount of unpaid losses and claims .....................       $7,295
Gross premiums (less reirusurance) received and re-
(ciVtble llpO  all llnexpired fire risks running one
year or less from  dlate of policy, including interest
premliuns On perpetual fire risks, $448t,419.89; uil-
11Clrned preinuims (fifty per cent) ...................$221, 709 94
Gi oss irltemiums (less reinsutrance) received and re-
ceivable 11,11 till sinexpired fire risks running more
tiuta  one iair frot1 (late of liolicy, $857,173.95; un-
eCrn(d l)p(eniunis (1pro rt) ........................    455). 774 47
t.ofl 1uieinlIed preuiiuiiiis  5 ( oilpilted above ................  677,484
Salmliri. rents, (I)ellses, iills itacounis, fees, etc., duie or acerued.
.  745 8
E'stilnited imount heurelft(tr pa yible for federal, state niid other
tixes bised uipon business of tile veir of this statement ............  
12,846 10
Coiiiiliissiois, brokerai-e and otlier charges due or to become due to
gelits 91(d brokers ...........      ...................................
 3,255 02
Total amount of all liabilities except ca~pital ..................  $770.627
Statutory (leplosit                                       $200,000 0)
Surplus over all liabilities ........................     414,642 42
Surplus as regards policyholders ...................................    
614,642 42
Total liabilities .............................................. $1,385,269
ET181( AMP7 PRE141M1TM4.14
11' i re  lpretn ulis
uisk'.          tbevooll
Ill foice o  th( e  1st; of Dlecemiber, 1911 ..............$108 409,969 
$1,345,69S 03
Will 1u or renewed di uring_ thw .e r             ................yea . .
88 097, 644  1,055, 29, 2 49
'lot. I I ........................................ $1'7 1()(),   60  $2,400,99)
I)e(luctt those exl)ire(l .111(1 niarked off  s teas riinated  76 652, 64')
 963,737 S9
In force at tle end of the j var             ................ r$120447,957
 $1,437.252 (63
D)cduct uiiiouiiit reinsure...(l.                       12 932o,260     
136,658 79
Net amount in force .    9;1       ()    7,     $107,515, 697  $:1 , 300,59h3)