Salaries, fess, and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and home offhee employes ..........................................
Advertising, $1,   .23; printing and stationery, $3,301.28...........
.'ostage, telegrams, telephone and express ........
Legal expenses ..................................
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations ......................
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ..............................................
Inspections and surveys .........................................
State taxes on premiums .........................................
Insurance department licenses and fees............................
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax     .......    ...................  $2,298 86
Taxes   ............................   .............        1,516 97
Licenses   ..................    ....................         857 47
Fees   ..............................................         30 50
Other disbursements:
Tracings .............................................     $2,212 62
Subscriptions to papers .......        ...................    237 37
Insurance department examinations .....        ..........     724 50
Audit of accounts .........        .......................    175 00
Rent of safes in safe deposit vaults ................          85 00
Premiums overpaid Dec. 31, 1911 .....        ............     439 92

3,500 00
4,308 51
3,006 44
2,895 22
900 54
346, 42
2,645 70)
34,387 13
3,9119 84
4,703 80

3,874 41
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year) ..................1.......                  ............ ..
 100,00 00
Agents' balances charged off ..............       . .....               
      2,770 02
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets:       Bonds .......... 
         12 12
Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of ledger assets:
Bonds    ...............................................................
    5,223 86
Total disbursements .................                              $1,416,081
Balance    ............................................... $3,307,995 71
TIETT~~~ =-r   'N

Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens ............   $30,000 00
Book value of bonds, $2,296,167.45;      and   stocks,
$83,1025.70 .2,379,194 20
Cash in company's office .....     ..          $486 30
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest ...............           112,555 64
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on interest .............  .............  327,095 97
-   440.137 91
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1, 1912 .421,114 63
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to Octobier 1, 1912 ............... I ..............     37,498 97
Bills receivable, taken for marine and inland risks           0yo 0(
Total ledger assets ......................................... $3,307,993
Interest accrued on mortgages .$112 50
Interest accrued on bonds .28,860 83
Total ......... 28,973 33
Other non-ledger assets: Losses due from     reinsurers .67,567 93
Gross assets .................................................  $3,404,536
