Expenses of adjnstment and settlement of losses...................
Coirimissions or brokerage ..........................................
Salaries, $145,499.03, and expenses, $88,389.36 of special and general
agents ............................................................
Salaries, fees and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and horne office employes......................................
Rents, including $26,250.00 for company's occnpancy of its own
buildings .......................................................
Advertisiiig, $44,605.05; printing and stationery, $50,847.91..........
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express..........................
l,egal expenses.
Furnitnre and fix t u r e s.
rnitre  nd  ixtues  ........................................
Maps, including corrections .....      ..............................
UJnderwriters' boards and tariff associations.......................
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ..............................................
Inspections and surveys ............................................
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate ............
Taxes on real estate................................................
State taxes oln preminins..........................................
Insurance department licenses and fees............................
All other licenses. fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax ............................      $8,543 26
Local taxes ...............       .................       60,291 89'

98,820 48
1,943,394 01
233,888 39
359,444 44
64,930 77
95,452 96
36, 335 89
.,980 04
17,062 60
12,789 56
1 09, 736 9S.)
30,83-4 51
42,64t7 r4
41,657 77
27.11( 'Y')
115,212 67
22,270 52
68,835 15
46, (127 .52
271 51i
1,320,546 51
6, 138 12

Other disbursements:
Office expenses ....................................
Life expense ....................................
Life claims ........................................

$41,022 35
5 17
5,000 00

Ag-enits' balances charged off.......................................
Itemitted to home office............................................
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets: Real estate........
Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of led-
ger assets:
Bonds .     .............................................    $9,437 87
Stocks .    .............................................        14 37

9,552 24
'rotal disbursements ................................              $ $9,467,673
Balance ................................................ $13,922,575 28

llook valime of real estate............................
M1lortgageo loalns onl meafl estate. first Hells .............
Loeaus secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or other
collaterals .........................................
Book   value   of  bonds, $5,119,624.66.  and   stocks,
$1 .347.547.46 ........................................
Cash in company's office ......   .........  $2,453 98
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest ........    ..............  7.3, 895 29
Deposits in trusts companies and banks
onl interest ..........................   825,191 79

$1, 241, 25-7 70
3,281,364 0(1
100 00
6,467,172 12

901,541 06
Agrents' balances representingl business written subb-
se(llwnt to October 1, 1912 .1,952,174 65
Agtsfl-8' ballainces reoresenting business written prior
to October 1. 1912 .7, 87.:1 0
Other ledger assets: Farm    notes .2,091 83
Total ledger assets .................$ 13,922,575 28
Interest due, $6,319.68, and accrued, $36,329.37. on
miortgages ...............          ..............     $42,649 05
Interest accrued on bonds ....                            60,661 24
Interest accrued on bank deposits ....                       188 0
Rents accrued on company's property or lease ....         10,000 00
Total .11^ , ........................................              -3,499
Market value of real estate over book value ........................   160,700