754                  PEOPLES NATIONAL FIRE INS. CO.
Commissions or brokerage .276,042 22
Salaries, $9,2Z25.82, and expenses, $6,538.63, of special and general
agents ......................                            .            15,765
Salaries fees, and all other charges of officers, directors, trnstees
aand home office employes ......................                      56,064
te nts ..............................................................   
.3.941 96
Advertising, $4,184.86; printing and stationery, $7,135.20 ............ 
11.220 06
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express       .       .............   
5.965 075
Legal expenses       .....................................................
   .8 0o
Furniture and fixtures..268 65
Fllrnitllre ~~~~ an  itle  ......................................... I............
o(  ,r
Maps including corrections                    .            .            
4,084 23
TUnderwriters' boards and tariff associations       .       .           10,495
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and exoenses                       ..                            2,259
TInspections and surveys ............................................   
  06. 1.o(i2 ,8
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate ......    .....  
  260 17
State taxes on premiums ..........      ...................................
 19,012 OAt
Insuranee department licenses and fees .............................    11,935
Other disbursements:
Borrowed monev repaid ........       ...................  $110,00n 00
Tnterest on above ...........    .......................  1,482 48
Traveling expense ..........    .......................   5,405 38
Safe deposit box, $250; registration fee, $92.50 .......   342 50
Bond and insurance premiums .....................          755 49
Insuiranee department examinations ...............       5,902 06
Certified accountant audit .......    ...................  10   33
Miscellaneous expense .........     ....................  1,677 75
125,763 90
Deposit premiums returned .........      ...............................
  791  8
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets .................. .    
  313 72
Total disbursements ......................................... $1,223 217
Balanee .       ............................................... $1,880,997
Tlookl vailue of real estate.                           $IS,,6 34
Mortgage loains on real estate, first liens ...............  473), 347 50
Loans secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or other
col la0teral .  .........................................  7,800 00
Blook  value   of  bonds,   $924,567.82, and   stocks,
$122496.25.        0................................4...  1,07,0641 07
Ca:sit itt coitany's offliee ................  10,954 12
Deposi-s ilt tru-st (ompl)nies nid banks
not- oil hittrest .....500 00
no  ol ilt(lP ~  .....................................   O  n
ole)ositfs in iriist comipanies and banks
oul interest ............ ..............  156,094 19
167,548 31
Agenits' haln nees renrosenting busiltess written subse-
qoent to Oet. 1,1912 .........     ...................... 114,181 00
Acents' balances - representing buminess written prior
to Oct. 1, 1912 .....................  ........    .     2,199 93
Total ledger assets .$1,80,9907 15
Ittlerest due, $121.50, and accrued, $6,712.51 on mort-
gag esf .$6..............................................  8,3S,4 01
TrTttrest accrued on bonds ............................   13,822 87
Interest accrued on collateral loans ....... ...........     167 08
Total .    ........................................................  20,82.3
Market value of real estate over book value ........................    31,143
Other non-ledger assets: Unlisted assets ........................       
250 00
Gross assets        ...... ...............,,,.,,.,......      $2,033,214