850                             UNION     INS. CO.
Fire (lepartmnent, fire patrol and salvage corps asseSslllsents, fees,
taxes and expenses .          .............................................
Inspections and surveys .........         ..................................
  220 00
Rtepairs aud expenses (other than taxes) on real estate        .     .  
      1:12 89')
Taxes on real estate .................................................  
       46 42
Stlte txes OI prelmliUms .................................. 946 1 6
Insurance department licenses and fees           .         .............
      685 73
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax ............................          $ 151 0(t
Capital stock tax ......          ...............             560 03
__       _~            711 (03
Other (lisl)ursements: Brokerage premiums ........................      
      372 5 0
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year) .     .....................................................
 10,000 00
Total disbursements .............      ..............................  $092,294
Balance .      ...............................................  *306,691.
Book value of real estate .............................      $6,204 12
Mortgage loans on real estate. first liens ..............   155,070 00
Book value of bonds. $98,561.25, and stocks, $2.065.00.     100,626 25
Cash in company's office ................        $345 52
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on interest .   ............................  25,783 93
_____--      26,129 45
Agentts' balances represeliting business written sub-
Sequent to October 1 1912 ......                           18,293 11
Aents' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 ...................................         278 47
Total led-er assets ...........      ...............................  $306,691
Interest (1m1e, $312.00, and accrued, $2,209.26, on mort-
gages .....................................$2.......5 21 26
Interest accruied on bonds ............................       1,220 82
Initerest accrued on otber assets:    IJnion Trust Co.
stock  .......................  ......................        100 0n
lents due on company's property or lease ...........  .          122 00
00 1  ...~.  ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . .  3 ' 64 R
Marlrket valle of real estato over book value.80 8RS
Market; value. of bonds and . ;stocks, over 1)00k value. .              
    9.155 00
Gross assets                          .$319,891 :36
Avrenf-,t b"ilanwes rour(.sentilngi business wNrittlen  )rio(r
to October 1. 19121 ................$7 ........8 $ 7              47
Book vali  of lede-r aissets, over mairket value:
TTualoul Gas ('0. l)oiids           A. (.0
St. Josepb Water Co. bonds ........................           000 00    
_          ~~~1,67.S 47
Total admtlitted assets .......       ................................. 
$318.212 R9
Gross lorsses alusted aIndl nunaitd. nof yet due .$5,011 0 t
Gross claims for losses in lprocess of adjustment or
!In  susnense                                              11,616...................
Gross claims for losses resisted            .515 00
T1'otls ........................ ...................
Deduct reinsuranee due or accrued ...................            0 2011 1
Net amount of    aidlicl losses and elains .     ....................  $1
5, 132) 2 2.
C-G  q  nmmiurMas (less '"eiaslrprnoo) received and ro-
,-ivable 11non all vnexpired fire risks grunnini one
year or less from date of -noliev. inelaudina interest
premiums on pernotual fire risks, $59,008.80; un-
earned premiums (fifty per cent)...              .        $29,504 40