Salaries, $11,931.75, and expenses, $10,368.10, of special and general
Salaries, fees and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and home officeemployes.      .......................................
Rents for company's occupancy of its own buildings..............
Advertising, $429.38; printing and stationery, $4,397.89..............
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express..........................
Legal expenses .......................-
Furniture and fixtures .............................................
Maps, including corrections......................................
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations.......................
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ..............................................
Inspections and surveys ...........................................
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate............
Taxes on real estate.       ......................................
State taxes on premiums............
Insurance department licenses and fees.
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax ............................       $213 51
State tax on mortgages and judgments .1,268 53
Legal advertising .255 80
City licenses .208 14

22,299 85
30,048 00
2,500 00
4,827 27
3,596 10
1,878 00
163 27
900 64
8,304 12
4,394 33
7,433 28
834 11
725 47
6,796 75
2,298 60
1,945 98

Other disbursements:
Treasurer's bond, $125.00; newspapers and journals,
$159.36 ...........................................
Election expenses, $30.00; office supplies, $60.48......
Ice, $29.28; light, $128.96; clock rent, $9.00; adding
machine, $30.00 ..................................
Freight and hauling, $49.68; mercantile reports,
$163.05 ...........................................
Entertaining agents, $5.00; street sweeper, $6.25....
Collected loan charged off..........................
AA v^n -i ce _ rtlro1.. .... ..  - _ +  -- -   -  -  - -  - --------

$284 36
90 48
197 24
212 73
11 25
600 00
80 00

Djepo61L Prt-lululumi ±1'U'U'1-J~ ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .  1,476 0(6
Agents' balances charged off .......................................    
 1;286 31
Total disbursements.~~~~~~$532,927 10
Total disbursements ....................................................
Balance.~~~~~~~~~~$1,096,236 77
Balance ........................................................$109,267

Book value of real estate.............................
Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens.............
Loans secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or other
collateral ...........................................
Book   value   of  bonds,   $222,012.90,  and  stocks,
$307.339.72 ..........................................
Cash in company's office ...      ....       $4, 681 59
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on interest ........., 155,038 07
Agents' balan'es reprersenting business written sub-
sequent to October 1, 1912 ..........................
Agents' balanees representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 ................    ;      .

$41,462 92
239,274 68
56,290 00
529,352 62
69,057 78
1,079 11

Total ledger assets .......................................... $1,096,236

Interest due, $768.38, and accrued, $3,889.02, on mort-
gages...........................I .................        $4,657 40
Interest accrued on bonds.                                    3,272 05
Interest accrued on collateral loans.                           523 33
Total.                                                                 9,452
Market value of bonds and stocks over book value.50.339 38
Gross assets ............................... ................. $1,155,028