954     -         oPN AMSH~ ~                   E IRS. CO.        ;
LONDON &LANCA.S1IIRt        '     IS    0
A gentttS' ba-lainces, representing business written prior
to  (ctol)her  1, 1912  ....... ...........................  $10,4116  58
Hilts receivable, )oist due, taken for mnarine, inland
and ti e risks .  .....................................  941 44
Ove. due ind iccrnued interest on bonds in default .....  3 11) '0
0oo0k volne or letger' assets over miarket value:
Ionids nid stocks              .        .          18, 860'7 34
Balances (me from other conipanies ...............        5 8(
1)11' f rom  eill pc1gents .........19............... ,  1.  1 9"!
.183,403 1.
T0 .fil dinitted assets .$4.., 4550,283 11
G-ros's 1josse?.; adnjsted and unpaid (due, $27,557; not
yet due, $3,282) .                                  $03(0,83't9 010
(Gr oss claimIs for losses in process of adjustment or
in suspense, plus $65,500.01) reserve for losses in-
culrred prior to December 31, of which no notice
bad beeii received On that dlate ...... ...............  170,31.6 36
Gross clains for losses resisted ..................... 2 "9,949 94
Total .............$................           $231,105 341
Deduct reilsurance due or accrued ......   ........   58,629 28
Net .amount of unpaid losses and claims .....    ...............  $172,4706
Grross premiums (less reinsurance) received and re-
ceivalble upon all unexpired fire risks running one
year or less fromn date of policy, inclluding interest
lremniums on perpetual fire risks, $1,5,07,921.00,; un-
earned premiums (fifty per cent) .....   .............  $753,960 50
Gross premium,-s (less reinsurance) received and re-
ceivable upon all unexpired fire risks running more
than one year from date of policy, $3,480,320.16; un-
earned premiums (pro rata) ......      ......      1,885,442 16
lGross premiums (less. reinsurancel (cash and bills)
received and receivable upon all unexpired inland
naivigatilon risks, $113,858.9,1; unearned premiums
(fifty   per  cent)  ........... .........................  56,929  4
'I'otal unearned premiums as computed above .....0............'a2,696,3.32
Sal;aries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued 
680 0(
Estimnated amnount hereafter payable for federal, state an(-l other
itaxes lesed upon the business of the year of this statement ...  57,600
Return premiums, $4,890.33; reinsurance premiums, $3,866.94 ....8..   ,757
Total amount of all liabilities except capital ..... .......... $2, 935,.845
Clapital .actually paid up Iin cash ......... ............ $211),0100 0(1
Surplus over all liabilities ........................... 1,414,437 70
Surplus as regards policyholders ...............................  1,614,437
Total liabilities .............     .                     $4,550,283 11