TABLE Il. -Contillued-D isburseme7ts -December 31st, 1912.-
Salari es of                     detiig
Salaries and    officers and                    Advertising
Name of Company.                expenses of     home    office     Rents.
      printione and
Name of Company.          ~~agents.     emlpli)yes.                     siatboriery.
(7)             (8)            (58)            (10)
Concordia    .................. ........    $38,505 01      $44,379 73  
    $4,777 50      $11,557 27
Milwaukee German      ......... ........      1,647 93        9,577 16  
     1,200 00          767 16
Milwaukee Mechanics ........    ........     92,900 03       92,906 49  
     7,798 28       144056 96
Northwestern National .......     .......   102,655 97       97,805 81  
     8,0a0 00       18,800 93
United American ..........     ..........     1,968 94        6,114 65  
       720 00        1,137 17
Total ............................   $237,686 88     $250,783 84      $22,495
79      $46,328 49

Stock Fire Companies

Aetna    ................................
Agricultural    .........................
Allemannia    ...........................
American    Central ...................
American    Druggists .................
American Fire .......:
American Union ......................
Boston    ...............................
Buffalo Commercial .................
Buffalo German ....................
California ........-.
Calumet     .............................
Camden      .............................
Central National ....................
Citizens   ..............................
C'ity of New York....................
Colonial Assurance       .................
Columbia     ............................
Commerce      .........................
Commercial Union ...................
Commonealth    ......................
Connecticut     .........................
Continental ..........................
C'ounty    ..............................
Detroit F. &    M......................
Dubuque P. & M.....................
Equitable F. &     M ....................
Federal    ..............................
Federal Union     .......................
Fidelity-Phenix    ......................
Fire Association    .....................
Fireman's Fund      .....................
Firemen's ............................
Franklin ......               .
German Alliance .....................
German American, N. Y ..............
German Amerlcan, Pa ................
German Fire, Ill......................
German Fire, Pa.....................
German Fire, W. Va................

$332,243 75
117,045 80
21,225 34
184,002 97
1,514 90
115,179 35
54,774 92
87,540 .07
6,288 72
15,689 90
38,168 37
29,117 32
20,847 48
22,571 11
29,413 18
23,134 74
3,166 56
4,967 40
5,947 58
44,649 65
146,942 02
260,930 10
16,777 08
19,799 68
31,049 58
52,541 66
5,592 29
683 51
264,768 11
302,249 59
346,553 16
69,560 25
71,954 19
496,360 14
3,639 18
3,180 29
11,018 68
23,379 26

$398,236 87      $63,993 10
57,455 47        3,540 32
44,585 34        7,002 62
101,406 75       15,346 79
10,657 70          480 00
170,388 51       18,204 34
42,473 55        2,461 53
195,290 54       21,116 00
14,053 50        1,  00
40,149 88        4,000 00
50,511 53        5,488 32
27,025 60        5,186 09
63,466 00        3,000 00
48,453 20        5,471 68
7,207 86        1,845 27
62,500 37       12,513 50
2,715 00 ................
6,790 50 .............
18,866 36        2,000
6,054 96 ................
25,703 97        7,509 56
207,164 82       29,517 04
436,8 24         70,034 93
21,876 88        2.500
45,769 41        5,502 64
26,561 00        2,215 00
32,040 60        7,959 40
3,500 00.
9,784 33        1,577 32
419,721 71       70,718 90
171,420 46       17,783 86
218,215 63       32,281 54
115,271 52       19,555 04
78,156 88        9,793 05
2,700 00 ................
316,704 15       77,475 34
12,540 00        2,700 00
11,902 00        2,400 00
30,334 84        8,    00
22,911100        1,80000

$108,900 13
20,617 85
7,593 31
41,333 27
3,647 13
40,922 68
13,970 00
26,853 87
1,959 83
3,695 02
12,062 37
7,8338 79
20,147 79
6,642 06
4,722 77
6,806 08
. .. . . . . .. .. . . ......
2,978 00
3,928 60
3,417 97
16,731 79
49,935 55
75,509 07
4,249 03
7,275 6T
4,322 27
10,578 62
4,308 51
817 02
62,740 38
33,410 69
81,992 75
22,514 80
13,558 63
85,561 42
2,015 97
3,176 80
5,858 45
3,890 00