Section 206. That any fire insurance company or any direc-
tor or officer thereof, or any agent or person acting for or em-
ployed by such company, who                sh'all be guilty
of any infraction of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a
fine not to exceed one hundred dollars for each offense; Pro-
videdl, that if the offense for which any person shall be con-
victed as aforesaid shall be an unlawful discrimination, such
person shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred
dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not
exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprison-
ment. (Id. 10.)
Section 200i. The superintendent of insurance shall not make
ally regulation or order without giving the insurance company
concerned reasonable notice thereof, and an opportunity to ap-
pear and be heard in respect to the same; and if any insurance
comipany, or any other person, city or municipality which
shall be interested in said order shall be dissatisfied with any
regulation, order or rate adopted by said superintendent of
insurance, said party or parties shall have the right, within
thirty days after the making o~f said regulation or order, to
bring an action against said superintendent of insuranee in
anv district court of the state of Kansas to have such regu-
lation or order vacated, * * *      and the court may set
aside, vacate or annul one or more or any part of any of the
regulations or orders adopted or fixed by the said superintend-
ent of insurance, which shall be by said court found to be un-
reasonable, unjust, excessive, or inadequate to compensate the
company writing insurance thereon for the risk assumed by
it without disturbing others. No injunction interlocutory or-
der or decree suspending or restraining the enforcement of an
order of the superintendent of insurance shall be granted.
Provided, that the court may permit any company complain-
ing under this act to write insurance at any rates which ob-
tained prior to the ordering (of the rate complained of, by the
superintendent of insurance, upon condition that the differ-
ence between the rate complained of by the company and the
rate at xv ichll it seeks to write insuranep mary be deposited