78()                 QUEEN    INS. COMIPANY OF AMERICA.
l)l',II(T: -ASSETIS NOT AD'l'  I       ITTED.
Agel(lls8  ( 1,:111e(s 1 reprse'fltin- biu5sine11Ss writtenl prior
to (c t. 1, 191 2 ............ I ........................ * $7,135 15
li( 01k AVa l1u' of l(cld('  a ssets. o(VL iiarktet vailue:
1Ol1ds andi*1 stocks ...................................  1,98,394L 03
295,529 18
'0ot 1 ll   litt1  sst,  .  ........................................ t s$9,
994,450)  01
Gro'SX losses Ij(ljlste(l 1n1d 1111p     1)      i(.        $    ...................
08 . 8 00
(ross ('cllilmis for losses il i)rocess of a(ljt stinent or in
suspense, plus $24,'8.63.5; reserve for losses incurred
prior to D)ec. 81, of which no notice had been re-
(eived(   onl  that  (late  .................................  265,739  50
Gross claimiis for losses resisted. .59,961 (10
Total                        1 .$61, 789 16
I)educt rIiiisiriL'ice d(e110 or accrued.                     49,921 83
Net a i0oulilt Of unp)aidl losses .1l(1 Cl,'01S ..........011(1   ........
.  $411,817 33
(hrss p)reiniiiins (less reinsurancer e) reeteived and re-
ivelvable up1(on1 ill iinexl)ire(l tire risks runnin- o110
yealr or I xs f(o111 d ite of policy, iinclndin" interest
plreiuls on perl)petiull tire risks, $2lt 10,251.49; rI-
eairne(l prem111ium1ls (fifty per ('t1)  ................... $1, 405, 125o
Gross l)l'(piiiiils ( less r51ilnisluidli( 0 e1e((iVed (1nid re-
ceivallle- i1)o1 ll llmexpired fire risks 1111101i1n- ii1ore
1t111 0o1  ieir from011 (1aite (If 1)olicy $5,248,409(15; Ui-
('10110l1d 1)1riluiss (p1'O iatQ.) .... .....  ............. 2,755,854 51
Gross prell'inin s (less reinsiir'iane) ((' lsh atid blls)
ie('e vabile ied(1 received upon all unexpired inland
navigaltion  risks, $411,597.9); liunerne(l premininis
(ftifr per cent) .....205, 798 98
(~~~~~ ~ ff   y r  ' Il)  ...................................................
  >)  t3  (
Gross premiminns (less reinsurance.) (cash and bills)
10(41" A'd ;111(1 re(c'eivII 1)10 11pi11 ill iexpir ed ilmtinr
iskls, .$1,;W1,(3.58; ne 111("iled preilillus (1()() per cenit).  1(0,
)!t: 58
TOI'tl I0tilearlie   pre'l1111" asl''iiii, comp(eilulted( allOve ................4,............................
-L, 9.,-47" Nf
r1 1  't8lts, tXpi(011S('5, hills, wocollist . foes, fto., (lii)' il O lc'(Clle(1
 27, 218 08
U11s' Imattl iiioiiiit hereafter p)0ya1lol( for federal, st-ate aoud other
1 Os4 11 'l  t'( "  ha e <11 upoI 1t  1'  'l 11t (:' I s"  
o }.l\ *l   yem   O 'I(  {((i(   tl: s I ,  ;  hi t ( m; l  ( .  19 (0  2-.1(
((1111liSSi1015S lbrok('l'-e mid Ot( 1 01 her ('110105 dui 00 ' to biecoi
' ue t
to   .1(-lit 5  111d   hr1l)   .................v                       
     o..............................  1:" . (; f )
11t11 pr'mlimns. $8,941. I(-f,, 111sliu I';il.c liLellillulms, $t;0,st)0.2
. . ,  ('I. 117 29
Al11 ot her lioUilitiPs: 1'(ilsi)ioln oiligatiolis . .........................
1 02. 28( tl
I  t(>l 1 ;l ll)ll t  o)f  all liab1)ilitie s  e xcep t  cap |itall ....9;5,....i,,.
.5(033, ().:
pfI t  Il  a Ictlu ally   I l  up  il  ( sll ..........$1............   1.
0 t1 ((tO   00
Surplus OV(r' all lif illis'5 ............................      . 3,9 145
Su   lus as ru"..11ds policyholders      . ..................................
4,961 ,14.5 9)S
Total lihilities ..........    .       ...................................$9.
$994 ,41i (1