908                       CALEDONIAN INS. CO.
Agents' balances and bills
receivable not admitted                       I            I
Dec. 31, end of the year  5,257 58 f......      .....       ........
Loss from above ......................    880 92. .
Loss from  underwriting profit andl            I
loss items .......................... .............  I  884 01..
Underwriting income earned duringj
the year                         ..$ 1,425,295 35
LOSSES.                                         I
Losses paid ....             - !      $835,066 Ill ....        I
Deduct salvage and reinsurance re-I             I            I
coverable Dec. 31, end of the year. ..   314 341 ...........  1
Balance.I                                 I~ 77I
'ia    ...............   .... 834, 7511  771 .......... ....... .. .. .
Dveduct unpaid losses December 31 of!           I
previous year ......................  140,799 181 .........   1
Ba.lan ce ..               ........ $693,952 591............. .     -
Add unpaid losses December 31, end              I
of the year               1........  122,567 951 e
I1             I
Losses incurred dulring the yrear ....1 I..........1  $816.5b20 541 .......
UNDERWRITING EXPENSES           I            I
Unlderwriting expenses paid duringl             I
the year ............................ $587,594 341 .........   I.
Doduct underwriting expenses unpaidl            I            I
December 31 of previous year .....  ............... 3. .      ............
Balance.            ~~~                  ~     ~~~I -I  I
P.lsn... .. . .. . ........  $55,0,594   341 ........... .  I. . . . . .
A(ld  underwriting expenses unpaidl             I            I
December 31, end of the year ......1  37,00 '00............................
*                       f     ~      ~     ~      ~    ~     ~~~ I  I   *
UTidprm-ritinz expenses incurred dur-l                       I
ilng the year.     ...........     i.l .587,594 341.
I            I
ITnderwriting losses and expenses  .       .   .    .          1.4N04.114
Grain from  underwriting during thel            I            1
year                  ....                                      $21,180 47
Interest and Rents.        1                        .1
IW~erost. dividends and rents received!
d1uring the year   .    ............ $102,785 391 . ......... 1.-.-
I)eduet interest. dividends and rents!          I            I
anecrued December 31, end of thel I.
year ..I                               S. 00 62! ........    1.
Add~'                             --   1            I
lM:llan    de ............  rents c $94,778 771 .......   1
Add1 irntorest.- (livldpndq, ann r'entqs qc-l   I            I
crued December 31, end of the year!   89,892 871 ........... 1
Total .......................... I           $10, 671 641 .
GainI from sale of ledger assets  .   ............. 1  2,072 915..........
I            I            1
Investment income earned during thet            I            I
year .     .    ,.         . I ... I           ,...1 $105,744 49