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fee of twenty-five cents theref or to be paid by the person pre-
senting the same for record. Upon the receipt of such cer-
tificate the commissioner of insurance shall issue a certificate
of incorporation.
b. Thereupon the persons subscribing said articles, and such
as shall afterwards become insured thereby, shall be a corpora-
tion by the name mentioned in said articles with the usual
powers and subject to the usual duties and liabilities. Qf a cor-
poration for the purpose hereinafter mentioned.
c. The articles of organization may be amended by a resolu-
tion adopted by four-fifths of the votes cast at any annual or
special meeting. A notice reciting the proposed amendment
shall be given by mail to the members at least thirty days prior
to the adoption of any such amendment. The secretary shall
give such notice upon request therefor by ten or more members.
Within ten days after the adoption of such amendment two
copies thereof and the minutes showing the vote by which
adopted, and of the affidavit of the secretary of the mailing
of such notice, verified as such by the affidavit of the president
and secretary shall be forwarded to the commissioner of in-
surance, and if approved by him and by the attorney-general,
the former shall file one copy in his office and attach to the
other copy his certificate of such filing. Such certified copy
shall be recorded as provided for the articles of organization
and a like certificate made by the register of deeds.
(d)  Whenever an amendment to the articles of organiza-
tion is to be voted on at an annual meeting, the publication of
the aforesaid notice at least thirty days prior to such meeting
in a newspaper of general circulation published in a county in
which said corporation is authorized to transact business shall
be a sufficient notice in lieu of mailing the same to the members
as provided in paragraph (c) hereof.
1931 (1898, ch. 352; 1903; ch. 36, 1905; ch. 442, 1907; ch. 155,
Territory; property insured in cities and villages.
(SECTION 1931) 1. (a) No such corporation shall insure
any property outside of the territory described in its articles
of incorporation or any resolution adopted pursuant to the
former law extending such territory, or any amendment to its
1931 (b) (Ch. 43, 1913.)
(b) Any city or incorporated village within or adjoining any
town belonging to such territory, may be included therein or