MICHIGAN FIRE & MARINE INS. CO.                       625
LIABILITIES.                             -
Gross losses adjusted and unpaid, not yet due..        $ 26,3'1 5 33
Gross claims for losses in process of adjustment or in
.smspeimse, plus $1,691.32; reserve for losses illcurre(l
prior to Dec. 31, of vhich no notice had been re,
ceived on that date .................................  54,671 03
Gross claim for losses resisted ......................... 6 O,784 1 5
Total .   ..........................................  $87,770 51
Deduct reinsurance due or accrued ...................  22.,250 2';
Net amount of uunpaid losses and claims .....    ...............  $65,52t
Gross premiums (less reinsurance) received and re-
ceivable upon all unexpired tire risks running one
year or less from date of policy, including interest
premiunhs on perpetual tire risks, $433,751.73; un-
earned prenmiums (fifty per cent) ...................  $ 2 1 6, 87.5) 86
Gross premiums (less reinsurance) received and re-
ceivable upon all unexpired tire risks running more
than one year from  date of policy, $754,399.24; un-
earned premiums (pro rata) .....................     412,218 1)5
Total unearned premiulmns as complputed above .................  629,093)
D)ividends declared and unpaid to stockholders ..................... 2 0,((0
Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, et(., (lue or ac(rle(l..
 752 5 I
Estimated amount hereafter payable for federal, state and other
taxes based upon business of the year of this statement .........  9,(00
(Commmissions, brokerage and other charges due or to become (hue
to agents and brokers .  ..................           .....           f 
I-teturml piemiums, $3,076.56; reinsurance premiums, $2,178.69 ......  5,255
Total amount of all liabilities except capital ...................$ 733,272
Capital actually paid uip in cash ......................  $400,000 0(0
Surplus over all liabilities ............................  352,619 22
Surplus as regards policyholders ...................................  752,619
To a     i b lte  .......................... ... .................... 1.48
-9   .  ............
lTotal liabilities .$1..                  .         .          1. 485.8w{91
Gr ross
Fire.        preihimmis
risks.         i hlereon.
Il force Dce. 31, 1911  ............................... $11 --. 5.673,9 7.r:
 $1, .   80
Written 0o reniewe(l iii 1912.95,201,426                          1,070,512
Totals .$210,875,179 $2,3.)25,845 45
Deduct expiratiolls and cacellations........         81,869,114     953,3
43 5.3
Iii force D)ec. ')1, 191.2 ....................$ $129,006,065    $1,372,501
Dedmlct amount reinsured.     .       .              17,390.343     184.,3-(1
Net amount il force .$111,615,722                           $1.188,151 97