N' tHEnS ASStRANCt dd,
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax ......                         $3,671 52
County and municipal taxes, etc .                      14,123 16
17,794 68
Other disbursements:
Books, newspapers and periodicals .....     ..........  $t,051 38
Cleaning, heating and lighting ......    ..............  1,279 57
Collection- and exchange fees ......  .................  3,800 39
Traveling ........                                      3,514 58
Miscellaneous     .......................................  5,647 12
15,293 04
Remitted to head office during the year ......     .....................
 5S2:823 03
Agentlts' balances charged off .....................                    .)
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets: Bonds ...             1,042
Total disbursements .........      ................................ $3,198,790
Balance  ................  ..................................  $5,381,633
B1ok value of real estate             .$115,00 00
Book value of bonds, $4,162,2408.16, and stocks, $294,-
265.90 ............................................... 4,450,474
Cash in company's office ......  .........   $146 6   4
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest ........  ..............   7,501 97
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on interest ..........  ................  247,269 02
254,917 67
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
seouent to October 1,.1912 .......     .........      532,056 36
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 .............                       13,754 25
Bills receivable, taken for fire risks ..                8,754 90
Other ledger assets: Balance of account, Frankona
lleinsurance Company ........     .....................  675 99
Total ledger assets ............   .............................. $5.381,633
Interest due. $23,105.00 and accrued, $26,920.48 on bonds ........ ..  50,025
Market value of real estate over book value ...........   ............  75,00O
Other non-ledger assets:
Dne from otner companies for reinsurance on losses
already paid:
First Russian Insurance Company, St. Petersburg,
Russia ..........$I............................     $10,083 66
Fran kona Reinsurance Company, Frankfort, Ger-
11111 y..................................               450 44
Iinsuria(e Company, Salamandra, St. Petersburg,
Russia  .........     ....................................  12,489   29
23,023 39
Commissions on unpaid reinsurance premiums .26,943 22
Earnjed profit, comnmissi on duoe from Treaty 11einsurtance admit-
ted companies .8,000 00
Gross assets .$5,W64,625 32
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 .........    ........................  $13,754 25
Bills receivable, past due, taken for marine, inland
amid fire risks ............ ..........................  8,754 90
Book value of ledger assets over market value .......  250,094 06
I                    272,603 21
Total admitted assets ...................                  $5,292,022 11