6912                     NEW    JERSEY FIRE INS. CO.
,v~xpeIlses of adjustment and settlement of losses ................ i ..
 3,868 01
Coinmissions or brokerage.l0 16,19 3U
salaries, Mi,i3.'28, and expenses, *1,783.83, of special and general
a~gUe ltS  ...... ......................   .................. 4.i... . .......
 4.547  11
Sla~ialte', Iees, and all other charges of oicers, dire cors trUstees
a(. onme oluce employes                         .57,548 83
tentS, inucitiaing $1,vuu.-o for company's occupancy        its own
onladings.                                                              ,816
AuiverLising, *3,4631.41; printing and stationery, *11,200.35.          11,744
-osta1ge, t     e lgams, telepnone andI express .6,074 45
Legal expenses ......................................................-  
    14 77
ni urnlture and fixtures .1,043 97
Maps, licludncg corrections .2,31. 00
Lnnerwriters' ooarus and taritt associations .          .2 700 9
Afire department, nrc patrol and salvage corps, assessments, fees,
Laxes ann expenses ..............................................       
704 17
Iiilections ann surveys       than                                      
   832 78
lieiairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate    .    .       
2,i0u 77
rlaxes oii real estate.                       .         .823 68
butate taxes on premiums                .       .        .5,648 75
Instiriice departmeimt licenses and fees ..,648                         
u tner disbursements:
llmvesLlUent expense .....................$ 336 50
Wiax on personal property ......     ...................   504 90
841 40
Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of
ledger assets $z16.41, plus pront and loss item
assets 1911 charged off, $5102.bS .....   ................  $713 15
i      .Oli ..s...................................          743 20
.to.ks..... 1, 312 50
2,774 85
Total disbursements ........       ...............................  $473,163
Balance ...... $1,889,056 81
13ook value of real estate .......  .....................  $&0,000 00
Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens ....6..       6;4,600    0
]look value of bonds, $5a83,222.03, and stocks, $118,6010  701,822 63
Caish in company's office .....  ..........  $7,606 81
Deposits in trust companies and banks
orn interest ........... ................  256,485 77
263,49)2 58
Agents' balaiices representing business written sub-
sequenlt to October 1, 1912 ......    ...................  158,701 82
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 ........     .........................  3,226 16
Othler ledger assets:
I)eposited with fire insurance association of Phila-
(lelphia .   ..........................................     O 00
(ish in hands of organization     board, president,
secretary and treasurer of company held same
offices on board aiid deposited to credit of com-
IllIly Jail. 29, 1913 (surplus paid in) .... .........  11,627 50
Rein surance recoverable on losses paid ....   ........  5,486 72
Total ledger assets ................                          $1,889,056
Initerest dlne, $1,439.70 and accrued, $8,497.22 on mort-
agc s ..................................................  $9,936 92
nlterest accrued on bonds .......      ....................  8,747 48
Iteiits -accrued on company's property or lease .......        73 35
Total ...............                                              18,757
Othlier non-ledger assets: Coummission due from      reinsurance com-
323 62
( Iross assets ................................................. $1,908,138