STANDARD     FIRE INS. CO.                        815
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Notary fees .   .........................................  $31 00
Certified copies of charter .......   ..................    12 00
Anti-trust affidavit, Illinois .........................     1 00
44 00
Other disbursements:
Capital stock tix .........      ........................  $8,000 00
Safe deposit box ..........    .........................    50 0(
8.050 00
Paid stockliolders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ilag the year) .    ................................................... 
30,000 (10
Total disbursements ....        ...............................  $404,294
Balance ......................... $1,201,580 46
Book value of bonds, $971,891.51, and stocks, $91,054, $1,062,945 51
Cash in company's ohice ...............       $162 81
Deposit in trust companies and banks
on interest ............ ...............  50,659 83
50.822 64
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to Oct. 1, 1912 ..........                      87,636 45
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to Oct. 1, 1912 ......................................     175 86
Total ledger assets.......... $.... 1,201,580 46
Interest accruied on bonds          ................. ....             11,439
Other non-ledger   assets:   Maps, furniture    and fixtures (cost
$17,673.31)   ........................................................  10,0000
Gross assets .$ ;1,223,019 75
Furniture, fixtures and safes ................           $10,000 00
Agents' balances representing businessM written prior
to Oct. 1, 1912 ......................................     175 86
Book value of ledger assets over market value ........    17,480 51
27,6756 37
Total admitted assets .......................................  $1,195,363
Gross claims for losses in process of adjustment or in
suspense, plus $1,140.39; reserve for losses incurred
prior to Dec. 31, of which no notice had been re-
ceived on that date .................................  $26,959 29
Gross claim for losses resisted ........................    500 00
Total .    ..........................................  $27,459 29
Deduct reinsurance due or accrued ...................      1,828 89
Net amount of unpaid losses and claims ......25,630 40
Gross premiums (less reinsurance) received and re-
ceiHable upon all unexpired fire risks running one
year or less from  dlate of policy, includinz interest
premiums on perpetual fire risks, $285,105.68; un-
earned premiums (fifty per cent) ...................  $142,552 S4
Gross rnremniums (less reinsnrance) received and re-
ceivable upon all expired fire risks running more
than one year from   date of policy, $294,245.26; un-
earned premiums (pro rata) ........................    190,435 66
Total unearned premiums aR       rnqpqtg4   qboye,.,,,,,,,    .32,988 0Q