1.002                   PHOENIX     ASSURANCE CO.
Furniitnre, fixtures and safes .$12,892 88
Ag(_ents' balances representing, business written prior
to Octolier 1, 1912 ..........0........................  6.809 70
19.702 58
Totali a(llnotted assets .......                            $3,872,788 91.
GIross losses adjusted and unpaid, not yet due ......  $56,6818 00
ross claims for losses in process of adjustment or
in suspense, plus $10,612.0(0; reserve for losses in-
cuirled prior to December 31, of which no notice
1l:(1 b)een received on that date ...... ..............  222,155 28
(PwosSS cialins for losses resisted ...... ................  26,257 00
Totatl . . ..... . . . .                        $. 305,230 28
I)e(lluet reinsurance due or acerued ....... ............  92,345 00,
Net amount of unpaid losses and claims .....     ...............  $212,885
Gr xoss premiumtins (less reinsurance) received and re-
(lV.Iv)alf upon all unexpired fire risks running one
ye i or less from date of policy, including interest
premiumns oI perpetual fire risks, $1,467,293.74; un-
eai-nmnl preniums (fifty per cent) ....... t . .......  $733,646 87
Gross plremlunIls (less reinsuranrce) received and re-
ceivaible uipon all unexpired fire risks running more
than o01e year from date of policy, $2,529,707.67; un-
earned premiumns (pro rata)       ....................... 1,331,619 03
s  I e   minhins (loss reinsurance) (cash and bills)
received and receivable upon all unexpired inland
navigation risks, $15,393.85; unearned premiums
(fifty per cent) .  ....................................  7.696 92
Gross plioiniums (less reinsurance) (cash and bills)
iveeive(l aimn( receivable upon all unexpired marine
risks, $1.,20.Q1.95; unearned premiums (100 per cent)  1,201 95
Total unearned premiums as computed above .....       ......... 2,074,164
Sailfaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued
 9, 000 09
E1stima~ited anioumit hereafter payable for federal, state and other
taxes lbased upon business of the year of this statement ........  45,500
lteinsurance premiums ..........      ..................................
 72,716 82
Total amount of all liabilities except capital .$2,414,266 96
Statutory deposit .......       ................      $200,   00
Surllplus over all liabilities ........... ......... 1,258,521 95
Sumpids tas regards policyholders .................................  1.458,521
Total liabilities ............................................... $3,872,788