In1spection1s and surveys.
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate...........
Taxes on real estate ...............................................
State taxes on premiums ..........................        ..........
Insurance department licenses and fees ..........................
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
F'e(leral corporation tax .............................   $1,389 42
Municipal taxes and licenses .......................       6,523 23
Franchise tax ......................................     12,000 00

15,189 97
5,685 13
2,554 93
40,39S8 53
12,106 64

Other disbursements: Miscellaneous expenses .........   .              11,247
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ilig the yeair, $127,500.0) .120,000 00
Agents' balances charged off................ .........................  ,53
Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of ledger assets:
Real estate .................  ......................   $6,000 00
Bonds ..............................................    10,033 23
Stocks ........................                        13,637 50
29,670 73
Total disbursements ........................................ $2,308,027 74
Balance ..                                            . $5,450,192 9:
Book value of real estate     .       ................. $100,9(( 0(
Mortgage loans on real estate. first liens  .  .......  114,050 00
Book value of bonds, $3,066,929.92 and stocks, $1,473,-
956.35 .............................................  4,540,886 27
Cash in company's office ...............     $673 82'
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest ........   ..............  322,998 74
323,672 56
Agenits' balances representing, business written sub-
sequent to Oct. 1 1912 ...............................  370,684 10
Total ledger assets .$5,450.192 93

Interest accrued on mortgages...                       $1,581 63
Interest accrued on bonds ........                     47,870 04
Total ...074!
Total~~       ''i   vr.ov       e...........................................
 749 501a
Market value of real estate over book value .........................7450
Market value of bonds and stocks over book value .................  590.792
Gross    assets  ............... .................................. $6,097,887

Gross losses adjusted and unpaid, not yet due..      $69,594 44
Gross claims for losses in process or adjustment or in
suspense, plus $10,000; reserve for losses incurred
prior to Dec. 31, of which no notice bad been re-
ceived on that date ...................       ...  228,572 87
Gross claim for losses resisted ............    ...   14.159 00
Total ................$31 ............................  $312,326 31
Deduct reinsurance due or accrued ...................  101,369 38
Net amount of unpaid losses and claims ...............
Gross premiums (less reinsurance) received and re-
ceivable upon all unexpired fire risks running one
year or less from  date of policy, including interest
premiums on perpetual fire risks. $1,310,101.96; un-
earned. premiums (fifty per cent) .....  ............  $655,050 98
Gross premiums (less reinsurance) received and re-
ceivable upon all unexpired fire risks runnina more
than one year from date of policy, $2,915,842.63; un-
earned premiums (pro rata) .1..                     50555 79

$210,956 93

Total unearned premiums as computed above ................. 2,185,606 70