832                   TEUTONIA FIRE INS. CO.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Home Office, 735 E. OHIO STREET.
[Incorporated July, 1871; commenced business July, 1871; admitted 1912.]

P'resident, ('. W. GERWIG.                  Vice President; DR. F. BLUME.
Secretary, N. A. WEED.

Amount of capital paid up in cash ....................  $200,000 00
Amount of ledger assets Dec. 31 of previous year ..........s........ $1,042,782

Gross premiums ............     ...........................  $878,315 56
Deduct gross amount paid for reinsurance, fire, $107,-
741.79; return premiums, fire, $150,290.16 ..... ........  258,031 95
Total premiums (other than perpetual........................
Gross interest on mortgage loans .....................     $47,978 36
Gross interest on bonds and dividends on stocks, less
$15T7,21 accrued interest on bonds acquired during
the year .    ..........................................   1,342 79
Gross interest on deposits in trust companies and
banks ..........................                             869 02
Gross interest from  all other sources: From agents.           151 75
Gross rents from company's property, including $1,800
for company's occupancy of its own buildings ......        3,018 36
Total gross interest and rents................................
From   agents' balances previously charged off......................
Gross profit on sale or maturity of ledger assets: Real estate ....

$620,283 61

53,360 28
16 29
- 71 83

Total income ...................................................   $673.732
Total footings .$1,716,514 56

Gross amount paid policyholders for losses (including
$52,424.22 occurring in previous years) ...... .......  $410,194 35
Deduct amount received for salvage, lire, $1,161.99;
reinsurance, fire, $32,232.42 ....... ...................  33,394 41
Net amount paid policyholders for losses ......................
Expenses of adjustment and settlement of losses....................
Commissions or brokerage.................................
Allowances to local agencies for miscellaneous agency expenses....
Salaries, $4,885.03, and expenses, $10,041.67 of special and general
agents ...........................................................
Salaries, fes, and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and home office employes.
Rents for company's occupancy of its own buildings...............
Advertising, $519.60; printing and stationery, $3,623.05.............
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express..........................
Legal expenses .....................................................
Furniture and fixtures......................................
Maps, including corrections ...........................   ;    .
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations........................

$376,799 94
8,231 48
161,509 58
1,011 85
14,926 70
29,404 31
1,800 00
4,142 65
4,765 57
1,422 18
688 60
2,508 62
8,046 18