TABLE IV.-Liabiities-December 31st, 1912.-
State, county Commissions
and munici- to become due Return and
Name of Company.                       plaxsdetagnsad                   
or accrued.         brokers.        premiums.
- (19)             (20)             (21 1 2)
Germania     .................................          $50,000 00      
  $6,606 20        $34,499 82
Girard F.    & M. ...........................            3,5(   00  
................ ................
Glens Palls .............                                32,0 00 ................
. .       12,041 26
Globe &    Rutgers ..............      -   .!.          25,000 00   
      49,992 21
Granite State ..............................              7,9700      ...............0
. .    6,998 67
Hanover     ..................................           45,00  00      
   6,80 77          48,916 58
Hartford ....................................           200,0030 o    ................
Houle    .....................................          200,000 00      
  91,201 86        258,060 13
Humboldt      ..................................          4,    00      
   1, 500 t
Imperial ......................................           3,830 00    ................
Insurance Co. of North America....                      90,000 00       
 80,000 00          18,868 03
Inusrance Co., State of Pennsylvania ....                35,000 00   ................
Jefferson Fire ...............................            8,000       ................
Liverpool &    London &      Globe ..............        4,702 58
        10,000 00         30,005 02
Lumber .....................................              7,50V 00    ................
Lumbermen's      .   ..............................       3,000 00      
   1,594 20            380 59
M'aryland    Motor Car      ........   .............      1,637 51      
   8,187 27            231 11
Massachusetts F. &        M .....................         7,605 75  
 ................ ................
Mechanics .......         .............                   7,500 0o0    .
      .........        683 02
Mechanics &      Traders ......................         10,000 00   
................ ................
Michigan Commercial .........              ,              7,600 00      
   4,800 00    ................
Michigan F. &      M ...........................         9,000 00   
       3,650 55          5,255 25
Minneapolis    F. &     M .......................         1,972 07 .
       ...............     452 21
Nassau    &  Dutchess ..........      ..............      8,500 00  
 ................        2,948 70
National Ben      Franklin ......................       22,000 00       
     794 07    ................
National Brewers . .        .........................       750, 00   ................
National Fire     .................   .............     225,000 00      
   7,085 01
National Lumber ............          ..............      2,934 92      
     452 04          3,544 06
National Union .............               .            60,000 00     ................
New   Jersey   .................................          9,328 00      
   1,800 0     ..
Newark .....................................            15,0 Oo 00 .    
 ...............   10,914 86
New   Brunswick .                                         3,000 00    ................
New   Hampshire ............................            70,000 0       0
.    ..........    88,061 97
Niagara    .....................................         50,000 0(      
   3,000 00         42,606 28
North British & Mercantile .................            11,300 00   
................ ................
North   River ........                                  25,000 00     ................
Northern ................................                15,000 00     .
     ..........     16,614 69
Northwestern F. &       M.......................        25,519 68   
 ................ ................
Old Colony .........                  .                   5,055 16      
   9,835 47            206 32
Orient ..                                               33,300 00 .     
     ..........     12,664 75
Pelican .....................................            7,000 ( 1     .
     ..........    12,303 65
Pennsvlvsnnia    .................      ......           40.000 00      
  22,175 40         35,000 00
People's National ..........................            10,   00 ..   ................
Phoenix .....................................          160.000 0      ................
Pittsburgh    ..................................          6,534 4A      
     120 84
Providence-Washington ....................              5 2,0(W 00    ................
Oueen    .....................................          96,004   4      
  J3.4 20           69,447 29
Reliance .....................................           14,. 25 00,)   
  17,029 56
Rhode rsl and    ...............................        10.00 00        
  43,840 66      43......
Security Fire, Davenpurt, Ia ..............              2,408 34       
     728 65
Security, New Haven, Coonn               .     .          .5,0  00  ................
Sr)ringfleld F. &    M       .        .                    ,0   00  
................ .........
Standard     ...................................         7, 500 0       ..
   .             11,285 10
St. Paul F. &     M .        ...........................  1 ,00  00 
      3,751 05         22,422 72
Sterjl.ng         ........... ....... ,*  ........       15,075 65      
     449 24         10,333 95