tAIObt & R UiLJGgRS PIitt INS. CO.

Maps, including corrections........ .....-.......................
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations.................
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ..............................................
Inspections and surveys .....................
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate.
Taxes on real estate.       ......................................
State taxes on premiums      ......................................
Insurance department licenses and fees.............................
All other licenses, fees'and taxes:
Federal corporation tax .$2, 706 30
Franchise tax ......................................     11,759 18

3,052 91
19,162 69
13,668 83
9,372 66
557 92
1,939 96
40,295 10
3,488 40
14,465 48

Other disbursements:
Premiums on bonds of agents hnd various states..
Subscriptions to papers and mercantile agencies...
Exchange on agents' drafts........................
Interest on borrowed money.......................
Paid account borrowed money......................
Mise,11nlpnpq ......................................

$1,299 14
555 79
2,097 31
22,8S6 14
30,000 00
39( 92

--         -      57 ,29 30
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year) .160,0(0 0(
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets: Stoks        . .     21,007
Gross decrease by adjustment in book value of ledger assets:
Stocks.                                                              19,
912 50
Total disbursements .$3,274,568 36
Balance .                                              $7,331,292 73

Book value of real estate.............................
Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens............
Book value of bonds, $2,223,229.93, and stocks,
$3,918,699.94 .................................
Cash in company's office ...............        $9529
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest ........   ...............  55.085 81
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on interest ............... ............ 1  60,111 12
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
seqllent to October 1, 1912.........................
A -   '           representing husiness written nrior

$72,945 00
108,700 00
6,141,929 87
116,149 84
S62, 991 00 -

-to October 1, 1912 ..................................       2 8,574 02
Total ledger assets .$7...... 37,?31,292 7:3
Inter-est aecrued on mortgges .......$................ .$1, 643 70
Intellest aecrued onl bon-ids .............................   8,1-47 67
Total ......................................................           29,791.
Gross assets ..........           ..........................       $7, 361I.,08S4
1 0
Agents' balances, representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912...................................      $28,574 02
Book value of ledger assets over market value .83,102 37
-                  111,676 39
Total admitted assets ................. I ...............$..........  7,249,407