CONCORDIA FIRE INS. CO.                            211
Gross amount paid policyholders for losses (includ-
ing $7A,082.70 occurring in previous years) .......    $789,003 37
Deduct amount received for salvage, fire, $6,891.33;
reinsurance, fire, $190,987.80; discount, fire $1,308.43  199,187 56
Net amount paid policyholders for losses ....................    $589,815
Expenses of adjustment and settlement of losses ...................     
11,779 02
Commissions or brokerage .......        ...........................     303,729
Allowances to local agencies for miscellaneous agency expenses ..       
 1,490 19
Salaries, $23,369.27, and expenses, $151,135.74, of special and gen-
eral agents ..........................................                 38,505
Salaries, fees, and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees,
and home office employes ........................,                     44,379
Rents .......           .....           ..    ..................        
 4,777 50
Advertising, $1,139.85; printing and stationery, $10,417.42             
11,557 27
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express .................... .        
 9,815 29
Legal expenses ..................................;,.,..............     
 5,057 55
Furniture and fixtures            ........................              
 2,642 16
Maps, including corrections            ....           ,.,.             3,122
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations      .      ............   11,547
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ....,.,.,.,,,,...                                 12,955
State taxes on premiums ...........................................     
26,398 46
Insurance department licenses and fees .         ...........................
 7,116 52
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax .......                            $400 48
Municipal licenses .1,359 34
Local taxes   .........                                      54 22
1,814 04
Other disbursements:
Rent of deposit vault (Citizens Trust Co.)                  $56 00
Premium on bond of secretary ..............,......           27 00
Repairs of office and office sundries ......    ...         315 61
Registers' fees and recording mortgages ........             55 88
Meals for clerks working overtime .................         685 70
Donations and Christmas gifts to clerks and special
agents .................                ..,e ce         1,138 77
Traveling expenses and mileage of officers .              1,988 39
Entertaining agents and special agents                      597 35
Examination of company by insurance department               89 01
4,854 71
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
inag the year.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,.     62,894
Agents' balances charged off ...............................            
   521 78
Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of ledger assets, viz.:
bonds   ...........................................                     6,157
Total disbursements................           ................. $1,160,932
Balance ................................................. $2,374,323 31
Mortgage loaans on real estate .......................   $972,000 00
Book value of bonds ............................... 1,055,244 08
Cash in company's office .,                                11,961 75
Deposits in trust companies and banks not on in-
terest .39,662 36
Deposits in trust companies and banks on Interest          34,926 57
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1, 1912 .                            257,498 13
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 ..................................     2,430 42
Other ledger assets, viz.: Deposit with Western
Sprinkler Risk Association, Chicago.Ill. ..........         500 00
Deposited with Milwaukee Board of Fire Under-
writers, Milwaukee, Wis .100 00
Total ledger assets ....$...      ....,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,.,,,,,,. $2,374, 323