WILLIAMSBURG CITY FIRE INS. CO.                           867
Itelts, including $1,500 for company's ocdul)ancy of its own build-
ings   2..............................................................  "3,758
Advertising, $4,157.93; printing aiid stationery, $16,592.47   .   .    
 20,750 40
Lostage, teiegrains, teleptione alnd express           .       .        
 lo, 'ci o
Leg,!al expeiises         .....................................................
 808  'It
Furniture anid fixtures     ....................... ......................
 1,481 ()X
UJniderwriters' boards aiid tariff associations      .       .          
 25,899 0-1(
'1ire department, fire patrol aiid salvage corps assessments, tees,
taxes arid expeiises ...................................................
 10,671 4:1
iispections aiid surveys ............................................   
  3.3, 2134 07
Repairs aiid expeiises (otlier thaii taxes) on real estate ........... .
    6395 82
'T'axes on real estate ......... P ......................................
   862 is
State taxes on preiniunis .........         .................................
 42,365 22
InsuranIce departrnenit licenses aiid fees    .         ................
 14,00,3 92"
All other liceIlses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax ......       ......................  $146 61)
City aiid county taxes ..............................      9,048 81)
9,195 49
Otber disbursements:
Premiunms oii surety bonds ............ ...........         $512 50
Collection fees omi premiuii i tes ........3I............9 !3, 03;
Sunidries ..............   .............................     21-9 81
825 94
Paid stockbolders for interest or dividends (aniount declared dur-
iiig tbe year) ........  ..................... .3 '070,000 (5)
Agents' balances eharged off .......                                    
  1,428 30
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets:
Bonds ...                                                 $4,271 90
Stocks ...                                               105,683 83
109,955 73
Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of ledger assets:
Stocks .   ...........................................................  
   90  0
Total disbursements .........        ................................  -,769,780
Balance ............      .................................... $3,801,-844
Book value of real estate              .        .          $75,000 00
\Iortgage loans oni real estate, first liens ............. .  38,4(00 00
Loans secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or other
collateral ..........   ...........................        5,000 00
Book value of bonds, $1,050,135.65, and stocks, $1,416,-
262.88 ..............................................  2,472,398 53
Cash in company's officef.$3 $'159 9(0
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on iiiterest ...........    .........      395,589 02
31)5, 948 98
Agents' balainces representing business written sub-
seqiuemit to Oct. 1 1912 ......... ......................  282,103 97
Agrents' balances representing business writteii prior
to Oct. 1, 11)12 ......0....., 3 923 88
Bills receivable, taken for fire risks ..................    20,5'24 41)
Otber ledger assets:
Cash at branchi office, F. M. (Tand, Mgi., Freeport,
Ill. ...............................................      ,084 97
Total ledger assets .$3,801,844 82
Interest accrued on mortgages .......................       $5.058 73
Interest accrued on bonds ............................      15.400 25
Interest accrued on collateral loans ...................       1 25 00
Total                            .                .20,583 98
Gross  assets  .,.......             .... - ................- $3,822,428