146       REPORi0 OP tHt iONMMiSSiONlEk Of' tirN At4Ct.
St. Louis, June 16, 1913.
Mr. A. C. Einstein, Chairman Advisory Board,
Utilities Indemnity Exchange,
St. Louis, Missouri.
Dear Sir:-
In order that there shall be on deposit a sum not less than twenty-
five thousand dollars available for the payment of losses, the Utilities
Service Company has deposited in a special account at the St. Louis
Union Trust Company the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, which added
to the Subscribers net deposits in bank on June 13th, 1913, (being the
Subscribers net deposits paid into the Exchange as of May 31st, 1913,
less losses and expenses) aggregate a total of $26,526.05.
The Utilities Service Company hereby agrees to withdraw only sach
portions of said fifteen thousand as will leave a balance, which added to
the Subscribers net deposits will aggregate a sum not less than twenty-
five thousand dollars.
Very truly yours,
Since the subscribers of the Exchange are! liable for the $15,000.
advanced by the Utilities Service Company, it has been carried as
a liability. The remaining items of income and disbursements
are so simple that further reference to them will not be made.
The ledger assets consist of cash in office and in bank as well as
subscribers' balances.  The cash in the hands of the attorney
was $6,186.51. The amount in banks $19,339.54 and one certifi-
cate of deposit of one thousand dollars. The, cash account was
reconciled with the bank statement, which is as follows:
Cash in Bank:
Special account: As per bank certificate ................. $15,000.00
Advisory Committee Account: As per bank cer-
tificate ...                            $9,548.76
Less outstanding checks: No. 18 .... $201.56
No. 19 .... 190.50
No. 20 .... 219.98
No. 22 ....  76.91
No. 23 .... 572:95
No. 24 ....  453.46
No. 25 ....  59.12
No. 26 .... 482.62
No. 27 ....  124.88
No. 28 ....  146.12
No. 29 ....  131.30
No. 30 .... 274.52
No. 31 ....  93.36
No. 32 ....  219.04
No.83 ....  830.00
No.34 ....  286.94
No. 35 ....  845.96
4 339.54