380                       COXTINEXTAL INS. CO.
Marine and
Fire.       inland.
Gross amount paid policyholders for
losses  (including  ;461,820.30 occur-
ring in previous years).............. $4,482,877 31  $85,842 11
Deduct amount received for salvage,
fire, $39,997.89; marine and inland,
lW .5u; reinsurance, fire, $591,861.91;
marine and inland, *25,309.84 .631,859 80             26,210 34
Net amount paid policyholders for
losses               .$3,851,1017 51                 $59,631 77
$3,910,649 28
Expenses of adjustment and settlement of losses .....     ...........  119,107
Commissions or brokerage .........       ................................
1, 67,681 05
Allowances to local agencies for miscellaneous agency expenses..      1,247
Salaries, *139,319.73, and expenses, $121,610.37, of special and gen-
eral agents ...................    ............................   260,930
Salaries, lees, and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and home office employes ...........     .............................  436,068
Rtents, including  18,125.t00 for company's occupancy of its own
buildings -        ...............................................  70,034
Advertising, $24,267.07; printing and stationery, $51,242.::0:: 0    75,509
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express ............. ..           67,629
Legal expenses .............952 82
Furniture and fixtures ...........     .................................
 31,549 54
Maps, including corrections ........     ...............................
 20,150 91
'Underwriters' uoarlds and tariff associations .....  ................. 
85,539 2O0
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ...........     ...................................  31,026
Inspections and surveys 7,300 44
Itepairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate.31,691 60
Taxes on real estate ............    .................................. 
24,871 74
State taxes on premiums .........       ................................
 155,877 66
Insurance department licenses and fees ......     ..................... 
31,732 69
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax ........     ..................  $37,866 14
Municipal taxes    .     ..................2.............  20,20  40
58,070 54
Other disbursements:
Mercantile agencies .........    ......................  $8,346 70
Exchange   ....... i  ..................................  11,778 23
Miscellaneous .1,025 16
Subscriptions to papers.            .                  3,387 35
24,537 44
Bills receivable past due and charged off .      .....................  *6,561
Investment expenses (other than real estate) legal $3,774.69, Safe
deposit $362.50, transfer and notary fees $3.89 .  ........         4,141
First Bulgarian Insurance Company reserve ......     $25,379 62
First Bulgarian Insurance Company interest             1,021 56
26 401 18
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year, $1,500,000.00) .........................          1,0o0o,0oo
Scrip or certificates of profits redeemed in cash ... .   ........      
43 00
Inter est paid to scrip holders ..6......................ts h .-.. . .0
Agents' balances charged off ..........      ...........................
 1,890 02
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets, viz.: bonds ......     174
Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of ledger assets, viz.:
Real estate  .........                               $25,000 00
Bonds .........                                       93,611 00
Stocks .........                                     2,94,212 00
412,823 00
Total disbursements ................. $8,554,192 51
Balance ............................................... $26,940,649 78