TABLE 111.-.Assets-Decenzber 351st, 1912-

Name of Company.
Germania .............................
Girard F. & M .............
Glens Falls .........................
Globe and Rutgers...................
Granite State    ........................
Hanover ..............................
Hartford    .............................
Home .................................
Humboldt ............            .
Imperial ..............................
Insurance Co. of No. Am............
Insurance Co., St. of Pa............
Liverpool & London & Globe........
Lumber ...............................
Lumbermen's .........................
Maryland Motor Car ................
Massachusetts P. &      M...............
Mechanics    ............................
Mechanics and Traders..............
Michigan Commercial ..............
Michigan P. & M.
Minneapolis F. & M.
Nassau and Dutchess.................
National Ben Franklin...............
National Brewers' ...................
National Fire     .......................
National Lumber ....................
National Union     ......................
New Jersey    ..........................
Newark    ...............................
New Brunswick .......................
New Hainpshire ......................
Niagara    ..............................
North British and Mercantile.
North River ..........................
Northern    .............................
Northwestern P. & M................
Old Colony     ..........................
Orient ................................
Pelican   ...............................
Pennsylvania     ........................
Peoples National ....................
Phoeix     .............................
Pittsburgh. :
Providence-Washington        .............
Queen .................................
Reliance   ..............................
Rhode Island .........................
Security Fire, Davenport, Ia.
Security, Newv Haven, Conn.........

Book value
of real
(1) __
$750,060 00
211,497 32
117,613 02
72,945 00
46,954 28
906,581 06
754,887 61
1N0,589 16
3,059 00

M ortgag-e
$430,099 00
189,709 00
1,922,860 00
108,700 00
10,109 60
3,500 00
618,666 67
21,309 00
876,888 79
121,450 00
238,965 00
60,80 00

Collateral       Bookl value
loans.          of bonds.
(3)              (41)
................ .$2,562,325 40
34,700 00     1,728,871 36
............... ..2,2914,542 51
............... I  2,223,229  93
................   .. 830,500  00

6,000 00

2931,875 00
2152,497 85

..........74,7 .. 54                 ..........50   ......
.............   ...............    :.............
74,754 56        142, 10  W           5,0

.............   . . ........  ................
75,563' 34     226,800 00
22,000 0   ................
14,156 47      496,825 00

48,356 21
15,009 00
148,844 79
622,978 56
7,965 66
80,0(X 00
145,523 24
132,362 00
100,960 09
.......... ......
167,686 38
189,377 07
168,856 34
327,291 14
62,635 25
129,327 04
44,577 0Q
239,218 25

499,390 42
171,850 00
48,483 86
2,432,400 98
1,665,800 09
623,709 09
664,600 09
495,850 00
208,861 00
114,050 00
582,  00
856,100 00
128,0W 00
549,250 00
60,0W 00

50,000 00
85,009 00
10,000 O
100,609 00
115,000 00
30,090 00

1,970,966 84
19,553,863 63
16,500,602 26
38,716 25
336,480 90
12,602,926 72
1,959,948 31
399,817 91
659,009 73
1,481,165 35
364,922 94
825,56 51
792,975 63
1,199,583 04
141,00 0
6,59,250 00
217,381 00
511,42.3 61
81,893 75
316,031 70
8,950,724 41
240,082 05
2,203,750 96
583,222 03
705,914 90
1509,982 56
3,066 929 92
1,778,307 50
1,315,544 48
113,545 83
378.000 00
116,775 CO
398.327 70
2,760,023 44
650,856 00
6,064,8201 47
924.567 82
5,643,128 76
1,396,012 50
6,124.526 03
1,254,035 CO
803,343 29
2,138,937 50
788.2.52 44
971,891 511
6,484,766 51
255,161 49
48,043 50

174,750 00
473,347 50
27,700 00
380,760 00
65,C00 00
50,500 00
396.646 1s
300,309 00
1,716,370 00
567,705 00
1,015,403 14
781,161 03

275,467 11
7,8   00
s59,00 0o
7,025 00
16,000 09
94,009 00
1509,0O 09
20,756 66

Springfield F. &   M ................       300, 00
Standard   ....        ............ ................
St. Paul P. & M ................            270,280 71
Sterling  ....        ............ ................
Teutonia, Fire, Pittsburgh, Pa ......       60,145 37