Advertising, $4,777.02; printing and stationery, $14,344.35..........
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express.........................
Legal expenses ....................................................
Furniture and fixtures ............................................
Maps, including corrections .......................................
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations......................
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses .............................................
Inspections and surveys ...........................................
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate............
Taxes on real estate.       ......................................
State taxes on premiums......................................
Insurance department licenses and fees............................
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax .                                 $3,741 85
Municipal and county licenses and taxes          .         0,53,10 1(
Fire marshal's taxes ..............................        4,060 78

19,121 37
21,343 63
1,422 50
3,937 67
9,901 58
6,585 92
23,488 70
38,980 06
16,172 29
12,261 00
54,438 22
1.6,456 23
18,352 73

Other disbursements:
Appraisal of mortgaged property and other ex-
penses in connection with investments...........
Exchange, $3,390.92; subscriptions, $1,021.02; char-
ity, $182.75; insurance premiums and surety
bonds, $909.03; spring water, ic-e, towels, cleaning
"1    1 101Axa04da45- mprcantile agencies- :12.677.50: au-

$509 14

diting, $1,800.00; miscellaneous, $67.47 .11,092 14
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year).
Agents' balances charged off......................................
'I.Ac - lacy   --I csal ormtlrt f lodAcra nsets

11,601 28
200,000 00
6,233 14

ITrrvzS;5 J.V;!i; u1s Izavu v.L ll~cuuU _tJ, __ _ue- svt>-
Bonds .$2,336 50
Stocks .550 83
2,887 33
Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of ledger assets:
Real estate .                                                       3,966
Total disbursements .                                       $2,887,910 77
Balance                       .$7,456,013 94
Book value of real estate..............................  $750,00() 00
Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens  . .        430,000 00
Book value of bonds, $2,562,325.40; and stocks,
$2,686,724.62      .          .5,249,050 02
Cash in company's office .$7,431 92
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest ........  ..............  32,040 42
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on interest ........... ................  483,207 65
522,679 99
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1, 1912 ......              ...    497,699 15
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 ...............                     6,604 78
Total ledger assets ...........   ............................... $7,456,033

Interest accrued on mortgages.......................
Interest accrued on bonds...........................
ReAnts dii, $65.00. and accrued. $166.66. on company's

$5,905 (10
33,427 34


- ___           _ , T              . . .
perty or lease ...............................  231 66
Total ...                                                39,564 00
Gross assets l ...   ....      ........................... 95,597 9