RHODE ISLAND       INS. CO.                        791
Providence, Rhode Island.
Home Office, 17 CUSTOM      HOUSE STREET.
[Incorporated April, 1905; commenced business January, 1907.]
Date of admission Into Wisconsin, 1907.
President, GEORGE L. SHEPLEY.                  Vice President, EMIL G. PIEL'PEt.
Secretary, EMIL G. PIFPER.
Amount of capital paid up in cash ....................    $400,000 00
Amount of ledger assets December 31 of previous
year .$1,171,928 64
Increase of paid-up capital during the year .100,000 0(
Extended at .$1,271,928 64
Gross premiums .............      ........................  $873,731 42
Deduct    gross    amount    paid   for   reinsurance,
$171,450.73; return premiums, $173,376.01 ............    344,826 74
Total premiums (other than perpetual) .                           $528,904
Gross interest on bonds and dividends on stock ..           43,80173
Gross interest ofi deposit in trust companies      and
banks.1,294 95
Gross interest from   other sources:
From cash deposited with Philadelphia Underwrit-
ers' Association .3 15
Total gross interest and rents ..............................        45,099
Gross profit on sale or maturity of ledger assets; Bonds ..........     
     46 67
Total income ................                                     $574,051
Total footings............ j ...* $1,845,979 82
Gross amount paid policyholders for losses (including
$52,761.13 occurring in previous years) .............   $402,721 48
Deduct amount received for salvage, fire, $6.969.63;
reinsurance, fire, $89,823.72; discount, fire, $495.45..  97,288 77
Net amount paid policyholders for losses      .     ............   $305,432
Expenses of adjustment and settlement of losses      .      ..........  
   5,334 32
Commissions or brokerage            .......................             
 167,852 02
Advertising .......................................................     
    516 62
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express              .        .01 7)0
Legal expenses .      ....................................................
  10  75
U nderwriters' boards and tariff associations     .       .5,280 10
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses             .            .3,152 16
State taxes on premiums ......................     .....................
 9,385 68
Insurance department licenses and fees        .         ............... 
   4,096 64
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax ..............$1.......           $1 708 44
City licenses and taxes.............................       2,838 75
4,547 TO