Fire.      and inland.
Gross amount paid      policyholders for
losses (including $46,069.54 occurring
in previous years) .$479,632 00                          $031,372 79
Deduct armount received     for  salvage,
lire, $5,264.38; marine  and  inland,
$513.17; reinsurance, fire, $185,400.91;
(liscount, fire, $250.08 .................  190,915 37       513 :17
Net amount paidl policyholders
for losses .......... .............  $288,716 63   $30,859 62
E,'expenses of adjustment and settlement of losses...................
Commissions or brokerage........         .............................
Allowances to local agencies for miscellaneous agency expeiises....
Salaries, $35,756.46, and expenses, $16,785.20, of special and general
agents ...........................................................
Slaries, fees, and all other charges of officers, ilirectors, trustees
anmd home office employes........................................
Rents, including $6,500 for company's occupancy of its owii build-
ings ............. ..................... ........... ...............
Advertising, $1,433.380; printing anal stationery, $9,145.32............
P ostage, teleg rams, telephone and express ......... ...............
Legal expenses .....................................................
Furniture and fixtures .............................................
Maps, including corrections......................................
Underwriters' board and tariff associations........................
Fire department, fire patrol arid salvage corps assessineiits, fees,
taxes and expenses.............................................
Inspections and surveys ...............................
Repairs aiid expenses (other than taxes) on real estate.............
Taxes on real estate ....................
State taxes on premiuins..........................................
Insurance department liceimses and fees............................
All other licenses, fees and tmixes:
JFederal corporation tax ...$ $177 330
M~unicipal and county fees and taxes ...............       1,395 78

$319,576 25
8,609 10
44,116 44
792 94
52,541 66
32,040 6 0
7,959 4(1
10,578 62
5, 298 14
61.1 85
1_082 96
2 761 97
8, 0  1.t'3
6,669 S8
t, 175 02
2,933 91 62
1,967 1:1
13,37?0 98
6,393 87
1 5V3 08

Other disbursements:
lExchange ...........................................
* Lighting, laundry and sundry expenses............
Subscriptions to magazines, papers, etc............
Iiiterest allowed on marine premniumis...............
Iimterest on borrowed money.......................
Borrowed money ...................................

$280 67
1,608 12
260 73
437 62
731 85
40,000 00

43,318 99
Decrease in liabilities during the year on account of reinsurance
treaties .    ......................................................... 
'232, 51.6 96
Agents' balances charged off .... i .                                   
    135 15
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets; Bonds .............    
  6,900 00
Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of ledger assets:
Bonds .............................................................     
Total disbursements ...........     ................................  $811,991
Balance ..........................                        $1,080,432 (i6

Book value of real estate.............................
Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens.............
Book valueof bonds, $453,750, and stocks, $195,800...
Cash in company's ofice ...............       $ 319 09
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest ........  ..............   5,294 13
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on interest ........... ................  58,083 85
Agents' balances representing business written subse-
quent to Oct. 1, 1912 .................         !
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to Oct. 1, 1912.
Bills receivable, ta3ken for marine and inland risks....

$101,180 00
122,550 0(1
649,550 00
63,697 07
138,856 40
2,925 89
1,198 25