Allowances to local agencies for miscellaneous a-,ency expenses....
Salaries, $184,292.62, and expenses, $125,297.81, of special and general
agents ...........................................................
Salaries, fees and all other charges of othicers, directors, trustees
and home office employes ........................................
Rents, including $18,000.00 for company's occupancy of its own
buildings ........................................................
Advertising, $20,03)3.71; printing and stationery, $54,124.64..........
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express.........................
Legal expenses ...................................................
Furniture and fixtures ....................    -
Maps including corrections ......................................
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations......................
Fire dep)artment, fire patrol. and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ...................-
Inspections and surveys .........................................
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate...........
'laxes on real estate .....................       :         .
State taxes on premiums .........................................
Ilsurance department licenses and fees ............................
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax .......      ....................   $823 70
Massachusetts franchise tax ......      .................  9,359 83
County and municipal taxes .........................      17,918 76
Othe; disbursements:
Interest paid Munich ,Iteinsurance Co. per contract.     $9,329 13
Premiums on bontds, fire and liability-policies ....         980 57
Mercantile reports, directories and mnagazines ......        972 80
Light and heat .............    ........................   3,182 47
Laundry, toilet, etc . ...............................       984 71
Auditing and system    ...........   ....................  2,042 950
Lunch   system, entertainingg, etc ................ i     ,     52
Sundry items, not distributed .....................        3 ,099 63

26,078 67
309,590 43
320,983 34
35,161 74
74,158 35
28,441 47
8,190 94
8,411 05
17,695 29
59,387 93
34,146 81
37,533 07
636 55
4,549 25
88,573 S6
25,627 28
28,102 29
