TABLE II.-Disbursements-. December 31st, 1912._

Repairs and           Taxes          State taxes       Insurance
Name of Company,           ~expenses on             on               on 
Name of Company.,xpreal estate.                        real estate.     
 premiums.       licei*ses and
| (18)                   (19)        _     (20)           _   21)
British and Foreign .............$.... ................ ................
           $24,572 34           $723 25
Indemnity Mutual ...................6 ................ ................ 
             8,379 20          2,10   63
Manuiheim ............................335 ................ .................
         33,652 43          6,68 66
Marine ....................          ...... ................ ...........
            18,159 58           1,350 18
Union    Marine ....................... ................ ........... 5.....
         23,45771            5,032 25
Standard    Marine .................... ................ ................
             22,813 63        1,911 23
Total ........................... ...................  ................ 
    $131,034 89        $18.034 20
Total for stock companies ....           $650,377 88       $884,166 57  
 $5,06),994 75     $1,388,276 38
Wisconsin Mutual
Germantown      Mutual .......      ......... ..............$99 49      
              $396 08            $66 00
Hardware Dealers' .               . ................  ............... ................
 263 07            164 56
Herman     Farmers' .....................................6................
             C03 01              56 00
Liquor Dealers              ' .....................................................
      7 83
Motor Vehicle ........................ ............... ................ ................
West Bend Mutual ..................                  $58 79             50
45   ...........103 05
Total ...........................             $58 79           $149 94  
      $1,269 99           $359 61
Mutual Compantes

American Mutual ...............       .
Boston Manufacturers' ..............
Central Manuf acturers' .............
Enterprise Mutual ...................
Farmers' Mutual ...............        .
Firemen's Mutual ....................
Fitchburg   Mutual ...................
Indiana Lumbermen's ...............
Keystone Mutual ................
Lumber Mutual .............
Lumbermen's Mutual ................
Manton Mutual ......................
Manufacturers' Mutual .............
Meehanics' Mutual ................
Michigan Millers' ....................
Millers' Mutual ......................
Millers' National ....................
Mill Owners' Mutual .................
National Mutual .....................
Ohio Millers' ...............      .

....... ... . - .
$241 27
834 11
2,700 14
823 39
144 42

$;575 60
...... ....; ..
725 47
922 '71
467 62
........... e.....
135 13
137 09

$3,990 93
22,893 58
4,541 68
3,992 12
6,796 75
16,073 37
2,160 66
2, 551 63
858 53
6,729 24
4,191 12
767 06
7,800 45
5,139 67
7,583 88
3,711 39
10,844 70
1,056 25
31 55
4,063 56

$422 53
115 40
878 41
422 53
2,298 60
211 82
1,980 73
1,361 97
2,2 19
1,374 00
1,627 11
292 19
481 08
443 23
541 90
470 84
1,394 60
342 30
160 99
527 4G