350                          COLUMBIA INS. CO.
Insurance depalirtment licenses and fees                  .........    1,524
All other licenses, fee's and taxes: Federal corporation tax.           
474 43
Other disbursements: Investment expenses..                              
 82 50
Agents' balances charged off .563 3O
Gross decrease, by ,adjustment, ill Look value of ledger assets:
Bonds .897 92
Total disbursemnents .$335,893 23
Balance ................................................. $1,000,433 l10
[look v'alue of bonds ............    ............    $883,660 42
Deposits in trust comipanies and banks oIn interest      37,159 28
Agents' balances representing business written subse-           -
quent to October 1, 1912 .54,663 40
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 .14,950 00
Other ledger assets: Cashl deposit, Ontario Dept         10,000 00
Total ledger assets ....     ...................................... $1,000,433
Interest accrued on bonds ............................  $10,143 32
Interest accrued on other assets ......................     62 50
Total .........................................................  10,205 SR
Gross assets .    ................................................. $1,010,638
AgLlents' balancel(s, representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1, 1912 ..........................  $14,950 00
Book value of ledger assets over mnarket value: Bonds    50,700 42
Total ...      .     .    .................................     65,650 4
Total adlmnitted\ assets ..........  .............................  $944,988
Gross claims for losses in process of adju stment or in
suspense ..............$7.........             ....   $70,236 28
Gross claims for losses resisted ......  ................  1,104 65
Total .    ..........................................  $71,340 93
Deduct reinsurance due or aiccrued ..................   43,253 1(1
Net amount of unpaid losses and claihs          .      .       $28, 087 Ks
Gross premiums (less reinsurance) received and re-
ceivable upon all unexpired inland risks, running
mnore than one year from date of policy, $16,239.29;
unearned premiums (pro rata) .....................     $9,687
Gross premiums (less reinsurance) (cash and bills)
received and receivable upon all unexpired yearly
inland navigation risks, $325,374.29; unearned pre-
milunas (fifty per cent) .............................  162,687 15
Gross premiums (less reinsurance) (cash and bills)
received and receivable upon all unexpired short
term inland marine risks, $227.39; unearned premi-
umas (100 per cent) .................................    227 39
Total unearned premiums as computed above ................ $172,604 28-
Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued..
 8.000 0O
Estimated amount hereafter payable for federal, state and other
taxes based upon business of the year of this statement .......... 9 ,000
Total amount of all liabilities except capital .....  .        $217,692 11
Capital actually paid up in cash .................... $400,000 00
Surplus over all liabilities ............................  327,296 39
Surplus as regards policyholders ..................................  727,296
Total liabilities  ...................... ........................  $944,988