'V)TA PIiRt & LtFE I9S. cO.                        1045
Inspections and surveys              .            .                     
  2,490 Ot
State taxes on premiums ..........................                      
  9,797 01
Insurance department licenses and tees .............................    
  4,899 02
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax ............................ .      $122 35
Municipal licenses ..........    .......................     752 03
Local taxes .................   .......................    1,079 58
1,953 g96
Other disbursements:
Bank exciange............. I                                $...  $312 02
Home office expenses ...............................       2,326 63
Insurance publications ........     .....................    318 58
Office supplies .................. ....................      148 15
Mercantile reports ..........     .......................    710 00
Miscellancous expenses ........      ....................     31 88
Iteinlsurance bureau  ........    .......................   192 9i1
4,040 17
Gross loss on sale or mnaturity ef ledger assets: Bonds ............    
  6, 000 00
Totll disblursements..       .                                    $735,794
Ba ila nce ................................................. ;1,4:l5,503
IBook value of bonds ............................  .... $1,158,225 99
Cash in company's office ......$.........        $1 20
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest .........  ..............   29,635 61
Deposits in trust companieis and banks
on interest ............  ...............  113.416 97
143,083 78
A-ents' balances representing business written sub-
se(luent to Oct. 1, 1912 ..............................  111,323
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to Oct. 1, 1912 .............  .........................   2,451. 58
Bills receivable, taken for fire risks ..................   18,167 74
Other ledger    assets:  Bills  receivable  taken  for
agents' balances .        ................................ 2,251 62
Trotal ledger assets ..................$1 $t,4:15,5(13 S4
Interest accrued on bonds. .1.,(;():. 76.
Gro'>s assets .                                                 $1,449,
107 00
Ageats' balances representing business written prior
to Oct. 1, 1912 .....................................     $2.451 58
Bills receivable, past due, taken for marine, inland
-and fire risks .    .....................................   75,8 75
Bills reccAv'able taken for agents' balances over three
months due .2,2)5t 62)
Book value of led(ger assets over market value: Bonds       5)8,375 99
63,837 94
Trotal  adlmitted assets .....................$1385.269 66