agents, state agents, special agents, local agents or its repre-
senitatives doin:g any of the acts in this section prohibited, shall
be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination; provided, however,
that if any agent or company shall issue a policy without au-
thority, and any policyholder holding such policy shall sustain
a loss or damage thereunder, said company or companies shall
be liable to the policyholder thereunder, in the same manner
and to the same extent as if said company had been authorized
to issue said policies, although the company issued said policy
in violation of the provisions of this Act.
Section 26. Any insurance company affected by this Act,
or any officer or director thereof, or any agent or person act-
ing for or employed by any insurance company, who, alone,
or in conjunction with any corporation, company or person;
who shall wilfully do or cause to be done, or shall wilfullly
suffer or permit to be done any act, matter or thing prohibited
or declared to be unlawful by this Act, or who shall wilfullly
omit or fail to do any aet, matter or thing required to be dorns
by this Act, or shall cause or wilfully suffer or permit any
act, matter or thing directed not to be done, or who shall 1-
guilty of any wilful infraction of this Act, shall beJ deemed
guilty. of Ma misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall b-e
punished by a fine of not less than three hundred dollais
($300.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) fo--
each offense.
Section 27. No person shall be excused from giving testi-
mony or producing evidence when legally called upon to do so
at the trial of any other person or company charged with
violating any of the provisions of this Act on the ground that
it may incriminate him under the laws of this state; but no
person shall be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or for-
feiture for or on account of any transaction, matter or thing
concerning which he mnay testify or produce evidence under
this Act, except for perjury in so testifying.