ness. Any one or more of such companies singly or jointly may
employ for the making of such general basis schedules and rates
and the filing of the same the service of such experts as it, or
they, may deem advisable for such purpose. All general basis
schedules and rates filed in accordance -with the provisions of
this act, shall be open to the inspection of the publie and each
agent shall have and exhibit when called upon, all rates furn-
ished by the companies he represents relative to property upon
which he is authorized to write insurance. No change shall be
made in the general basis schedules or specific rates which have
been filed in compliance with the requirements of this act, ex-
cept after thirty (30) days' notice by mail to! the superintend-
ent, which notice shall plainly state the changes proposed to be
. made in the general basis schedules or specific rates thereunder
in force and the time when such changes will go into effect:
Provided, the said. superintendent may for good cause shown,
allow changes to be made upon notice for a shorter period than
that specified herein, either in particular instances or by general
order applicable to special or peculiar circumstances or condi-
tions. No insurance company whose business is regulated by
this act shall engage, or participate in the insurance of any prop-
erty against loss or damage specified herein unless its general
basis schedules and specific rates thereunder have been filed in
accordance with the provisions of this act, except that any in-
surance company shall be permitted for a period of ninety (90)
days after the taking effect of this act, to write insurance under
its schedules and rates in force at the time this act goes into effect.
Any insurance company regulated by this act or itg officers,
agents or representatives may enter into any contract of insur-
ance on property located in this state on which there has been
no rate filed as provided for in this act, but such company shall
within thirty (30) days after entering into such contract, file
with the superintendent on such form or forms as shall be by
him prescribed, a statement truly setting forth the description
of such property, the rate thereon and such other information
as the superintendent shall require; said statement when so filed
shall constitute the specific rate on the property insured.