CALEDONIAN INS. CO.                             905
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations ..................        17,515
lire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ..............................                      9,
249 62
Inspections ana surveys .............................                   4,314
lepairs aiid expenses (other than taxes) oii real estate .... ......  16,817
Taxes on ieal estate ............     ...................................
 7,777 5u
StaLte tlxes On plniUMS .............      ..............................
 22,544 13
linsurance department licenses and fees ......       ....................
 7,921 99
All other licenses, fees an(d taxes:
1eotlerll corporation tax ......  ......................
Counity a.nd mnnicipal licenses and taxes .6,594 65
7,476 51.
Other disbursements:
Office expelises and( m scellaneous ......      ........................
 2,326 10
Heinitted to home. office .........     ................................
 23,573 0 3
Agents' balances clharged off ....... ...............  ................ 
   3 09
Grloss loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets: Stocks .... .......   
 U2t0' 00
Total disbursements .........       .........................I....... *1,473,254
Balance ................   ................................. $2,190,916 87
Book value of real estate .......    .....................  $439,510 58
Book valu 'e of bonds, $866,230.39, and stocks, $482,-
402.28 ...........                                   1,34S,632 67
Ctash ii co npany's office .................... $346 29
Deposit in trust companies and banks
not on interest ........   ..............  5,745 78
D)eposits in trnst companies and banks
on interest ..........  ................  135,070 83
141,162 90
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1, .1912 .......   ................  253,051 85
Agents' balances, representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 ....                                  5,257 58
Other ledger assets: :Reinlsur'a'nce  dlue  on. losses
paid d.        ..............................................  3,301 29
Total ledger assets .$2,190,916 87
Interest accrued on bonds .........       ................................
 8,892 87
MaIlrket value of real estate over book value .....     .................
 85,489 42
Gross assets.                                                 $2,285,299
Agents' balances. representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 ...............                      $5,257 58
Book value of ledger assets over market value:
Book value of bondls and stocks over market value .     72,812 67
78,070 25
Total admitted assets ........................................ $2,207,228
Gross losses adjusted and unpaid (due, $17,988.94;
not yet due, $28,495.66) ........  .....................  $46,484 60
Gross claims for losses in process of adjustment or
in suspiense, plus $4,643.50; reserve for losses in-
curred prior to December 31, of which no notice
had been received on that date .....     ...............  85,594 18
Gross claims for losses resisted ......    ...............  22,014 43
Total ..................... ......................  $154,093 21
Deduct reinsurance due or accrued .....      .............  31,525 26
Net amount or unpaid losses and -claims .....       ..............  $122,56i7