

TABLE VI. -Underwriting and Investment Exhibit-

ltig- income
eat nud.

Name of Company.
(Germantovn Mutual......
1lard ware Dealers'.........
Helnrman Ftarmers' ..........
Liquor Do1?rs' ............i' .
Motor Vehicle.............
West Bend Mutual ........
Total ....................
Amt-erican Mutual..........
Boston MaItufacturers'....
Central Mlanufacturers'....
Enterprise Mutual.........
Farmers' Mlutual ..........
Firemen's Mutual ..........
lF itchburgr Mutual..........
Inridiana Lumbermens'....
Keystone Mutual ..........
Lumber Mutual............
Lumbermen's Mutual.....
M anlton Mutual ............
Manufactnrers' Mutual...
Mlechanics' Mlntual.........
Mic-hig-an Millers'.........
Millers' Mutual............
Mlilters' National..........
Mill Owners' Mutual.......
National Mutual ...........
Ohio Millers' ...............
Poent. Lumbermen's........
P'etntsyvlvania Millers'.....
I~hode Islartd Mutual......
State Mutual.........
Total ....         .

incx losses
and ex-

Gain or loss Investment
from t)nder-  income    Investment
writitt.    earned.    losses and

(17)            (,94)         (35)
$19. 412 89     .18,359 16      31,053 73
108. 793 26      46.667 93     62, 125 33
24.551 48       31, 1i8 88   -9,617 38
1,778 28        1, 252 78       525 50
569 8f .560 80
27,892 4C       29,010 50     -1,118 10
$182,989 11     $129,459 231    $53,529 88

(LW)            (64)
$10,934 08       $1,099 49
5,417 10          424 35
5,174 01          73 80
...    ..   ....   ....   ....   . .   . ..
).......                 340 17
2,099 03 ..............
$23,624 22       $2,620 81
Mfutual Fire Companies


$30U,860 1S     J.58,856 9S  $249,013 20     830,651 67    $12,427 00
2,168,860 52     276, 159 32  1, 892.701 20   109, 493 62-)  39,578 92
372,029 .5i    291;, 9115 71  75, 033 814    21,211 76      2,826 01
308.421 90;     58,76( 25    249,6)5 71      30,129) 75    13. 132 00
524, 04. 112  5328,181 52    -4,115 60       43, 9  l 8     71 ,771 86
1, 122,252 40'   169,010 94    953,211 46     89,41 2 71      1.959 16
16i4,237 28    124, 046 09    40,191 19     13,8ii9 18      4,726 95
278. 031 73    148. 518 89   129.2'3 84      16,805 56)     2,7i96 96
330,790 40      56,51i 3 41  2,4, 286 96     13,67.3 27     7,666 90
4 8,124 88     240,771 09    187,317 791    30, 109 611     9,823 00
392, 96 O 2?   233, 830 08    159, 130 14    24, 699 951    5.065 30
301(), 064 74   51. 659 82   257,404 95      ls,4-3 57      6,727 60
59, 82:2 81    101,107 2X    475,715 58      56,540 62     14,759 1]0
389,357 41      70.008 02    319,349 33      43,417 73      4,419 t3
733,415 15     03-5, 967 11  97,478 04     51,147 01      18,196 96
55, 769 01     193,056 38     62,712 63     17, 893) 0(1    2,398 39
77-5. 32'7 03  703,105 8';    72, 221 14    82, 3.71 23;   36.690 2 7
206,1 29 711   1 i1, 559 33   94,570 38     17.532 6t3         69 01)
1 04' 9@86; 281  *20, 104 12  81,981 90      3,982 05      2.831 25
3',l) 4,8 " o  276,415 09     65, 943 01    32,204 1 1      6,278 44
39, 828 3 I    237,735 70    158.092 62'    23,138 69      5,530 92
ll 4(178 73'    711,02 9 62   88,!4-l9 1 1   15. 1719 74    3, 109 58
7e), 069 24 I  131 . 145 511  625, 9' 63     7, 582 55     26, 046 76
1. 077, 41ie 0 z  183, 9)3 84  893,542 19     91.329 66      20,328 67
$12,472,198 62! $8,990,654 28 $7,481,644 341  $947,892 98    $'56,090 63

Lumber UUnderwriters.             $235,802 4'1  8219.93-) 33   $15,867 16
    85.755 3) .
Total for mutual com-
parties .        ..      $12,891,030 22  $5,340,04S 81 $7,551,041 38  $)77,272
5.)1  $258,711 44
Total lor all companit ies $1S78,713,667 99.262,572,48 41 |t-6,14l,239 53
$17,209,679 99 $3,522,030 94