NEW   BRUNSWICGIZ FIRE INS. CO.                  683
Total premiums ..................1   $542,259 031 .............
Add unearned premiums Dec. 31 of            , I            I
VI   S535......
previous year ..*.....---------- ..  335.885 51          1
Total ...................       $938,144 38. .
Deduct unearned premiums Dec. 31,1    461
end of the year ...........       -6-311.                        ......
Premniums earlled during the year ... ..............  $471,429 071.
UNDERWRITING PROFIT AND         I                        I
LOSS ITEMS.            |
Agents' balances and bills
receivable not admitted
Iec. 31, 1911.$229 441 .............                         .
Agents' balances and bills        I           I
receivable not admitted         I            I
Dec. 31, end of the year. -  195 201.                        ........
Gain from above .      ............. I.               34 241 .;    .
Underwriting income earned during|                         |   4714 31
the year ......1..............          ......
LOSSES.             I            I            I
Losses paid           ........       $265,495 951 ..............
Deduct unpaid losses Dec. 31 o        29317 96 .
vious  year  ........................ I
Balance .....                  |$236I,177 99.         ..............
Add unpaid losses Dec. 31, end of thel  $3,7  9
year ...1                            41,S95 501 .         ........... .
Losses incurred during the year .......          $278,073 491.
Underwriting expenses paid duringll                              ........
the year ..............1             $236,627 611.......
Deduct underwriting expenses unpaidl                        ..........|
Dec. 31 of previous year ............I  5,000 001.
Balance           ------- $231.627 611 .........       . 1.
Add underwriting expenses unpaidl             I                 .
Dec. 31, end of the year  .  r       3.250.0...1
Underwriting expenses incurred dur-I          1        77 1
lug the year .......... ........ .              234,877 6
yTliderwritinlg losses and expenses  1.1.-            .-.1     512,951 10
Loss from  underwriting during thel I
year ............--..................      -- 1....--1       $41,487 79