24                     HIANOVERI FIRE INS. CO.
New York City.
IlJoine 0111cce, 84 and 36 PINE STREET.
Uiworpi)OIitcd April 1852; commenced business April 1852; admitted 1864.]
Pr-esident, RI. EMIORY WARIFIELD.        Vice President, JOSEPH MeCORD.
Secretary, JOSEPH MeCORD.
Aiiiouiit of caipital paid up iii cash ......... $1,00,9M00 G
Amount of ledger assets December 31 of previou s year........$4,57,0,085
Croqs Iwem.ims ....................$3857,378 24
Dediiet -ross -amount paid for reinsurance,. fire,
$34117,8110.42); return premiums, fire, $467,20.3....1,08S4,516 73
Totall premiums (other than perpetual) .......... $2,772,861 51
(Gross interest on mortgage loains...........          $175 0
interest onl bonds and dividends on stocks, less
84100.56 accrued interest onl bonds acrquired during
tbe yeii ..... ..............:....                 139,292 04
GToq interest on deposits in trust companies and
anksI1~q........................                    1,131 77
G-o- inter-st fromt all other sources: On bank de-
Do~st at.Chi~cago General Agency ..........           147 12
Grioss rents from company's property.........        72,663 62
Tl otail -ros-s interest and rents  ..                     213.409 5
at reavlfs balances previously cha"rged of.......90..).7...
Glos's pr1ofit onl safle or01. aintrity of ledger assets: Bonds ....  3,875
Tidal1 incomie ...........................$2,990,3551 821
Tofal C ootlitig .......................$7, 560, 4-i 57
D 18,11JUR Si~,AlE NT S.
C ~  "',,,  V)(I i)olicvl1olde(rq for losses (inchud-
i 5 S71.ZW0i.001 eceillri-i,i iil DO'e-\Tousq vearq .....$1,0490,659 53
Doediet 9mo-i0int reco dfor salvage, fire. $1.00,95.10:
icinsurancie, fire. $338,701.1.0; discount, fire $1,142.74  349.93S 94
"Jot vi'-ount naid policyholders for losses.....$1,290,790 r59
T41xiu-i-e- of adicjustment and settlement of losses .........103.375 37
oi- Tirokerage......................                685,71.6 61
Saln~iea. 884.36.67, and expe-ises, $34,690.45, of special and gen-
ov.il ageAnts .............                                    119,027 12
Sala'-ies. fees, an ill other charges o officers, directors, trustees
'd"( borne efh3e   oes     .....................               119,009
Ii-.'ts. incluiling $18,090 for company's occupancy of its own build-
813:41 4 rnin            m     sttifon-ery, $16,839.44 ..... .30.1 SI1 18
0 Q ft aro. toleIrraT',ms. teleI(phone and express .............. 23.170,
Tonqj ONOPO ~P5...........................                      775 951
1F'uritire and fixtures.......................                    7,648 28
Maps, including icorrections ,,,,~.,.,.                           11,008