240                          AETNA INS. CO.
Hartford, Conn.
Home Office, 670 MAIN STREET.
[Incorporated June, 1819; commenced business August 17, 1819.
President, WILLIAMI B. CLARK.                        Secretary, E. J. SLOAN_
Vice Presidents, HENRY E. REES, A. N. WILLIAMS,
Amount of capital paid up in cash ...... I.......... $5,00,000 00
Amount of ledger assets December 31 of previous year .......... $20,533,843
Marine and
Fire.       inland.
Gross premiums ...................... $1,0,897,136 61 $2,637,083 46
Deduct gross amount paid for reinsur-
ance, fire. $1.469,160.26; marine and
inland, $970.270.21; return premiums,
fire, $1,245,778.00; marine and inland,
$274,580.81 .                         2,714,938 26 1,244,851 02
Total premiums (other than per-
petual) .........  .............. $8,182,198 35 $1,392,232 44
$9,574,430 79

Deposit premiums written on perpetual risks (gross) ...........
Gross interest on bonds and dividends on stock, less
$15,125.99 accrued Interest on bonds acquired dur-
ing the year ..............     ........................  850,089 65
Gross interest, on deposits In trust companies and
banks ....                                                25,556 37
Gross interest from all other sources:
Interest on old refund of New York Bank Taxes.
$2,388.01; interest received on account of old bal-
ance, $22.78 ..............       ............           2,410 79
Interest on Farm    Notes. $70.83: interest from  Phil.
Fire Indemnities Association, $9.45 .....    ............     80 28
Gross   rents from    company's   property, incluling
$25.000 for company's occupancy of Its own build-
ings .                                           - 25,300 00
Total gross Interest and rents .
From other sources:
Conscience Fund    .............  ......................    $625 00
Taxes on real estate recovered from State of Con-
necticut ...........10.... ..........................   10,119 50
Inctease in liabilities during the year on account of reinsurance
treaties  .................................................
From   agents' balances previously charged off ...........
Gross profit on sale or maturity or ledger assets, viz.:
Bonds .    .............................................  $7,607 01
Stocks ............................................       58.339 67

9,753 28

903,437 CO
10,744 50
109 83
44 29

6S,946 6Z
Total income.. .$10.564.406 46
1             f                                                         
Total footings ..................................... . ..I. . ................#*t$31.098,309