Gross premiums on all business written
during the year     .       ............   $1,820 64
Assessments actually received on current
year's assessments ...................     17,353 56
Policy fees: New, No. 139;
fee, $1.82; amount ......      $189 50
Renewals: No. 568; fee,
$1.82; amount    ...........    816 00
Total policy fees ...                   1,005 50
Total collections ... .................  $20,179 70
Returned on ecalicellations ..... .........     106 02
Total premiums and assessments, less de-
ductions ..............  ..............   $20,073 68
Cash received as interest ........   ......     122 68
Cash received from all other sourecs:
Fines on assessment, No. 20 ...........           25
Money returned on cement sidewalk ...          10 89


Total income during year.....................
Total assets of previous year and income*.......

20,207 50
$29,018 49

Paid for losses, including $2,080.00 for
losses occurring in previous years ....    $12,099 42
Paid for fire department taxes ..........           4 49
Salaries, $1,501.90, and   fees, $646.65,
paid officials .      .................. .    2,148 55
Agents' compensation:
Commissions    .........        $364 12
Policy fees .........          1,005 50
Total paid agonts .............. ..       1,369 62
Postage, printing and stationery ........         164 69
Express, telegraph, telephone and ex-
change ...............................           17 10
All other disbursements:
Wood, mdse. and labor ................           27 50
Taxes $8.1-5; attorney fees $50.00  .....        58 15
Insurance   ...........  ................        15 00
Cement walk .........                            48 97
Total disbursements ........      ...................  15,953 49
Balance ............    ......................  $13,065 00
Cash deposited in State Bank of New Holstein .........      $13,065 09