CAMDEN     FIRE INS. CO.                           319
Commissions or brokerage       .................... .....................
 367,781 48
Allowances to local agencies for miscellaneous agency expenses ..       
  4,755 42
Salaries, $,999.96, and expenses, $10,847.52, of special and general
agents .....................................................            20,847
Salaries, fees. and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and home office employes ...................      ..................... 
63,463 00
Rents for company's occupancy of its own buildings ...............      X
  ,000 00
Advertising, $3,196.68; printing and stationery, $16,951.11 .....       
 20,147 79
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express ......        ..................
 7,144 97
Legal expenses .     ....................................................
 2,033 77
Furniture and fixtures ........................                       . 
  2,397 61
Maps, including corrections ........................ .                  
  6,012 46;
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations .......      ................
 13,779 73
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessment, fees,
taxes and expenses ......                     ........................  
8,770 99
Inspection and surveys ....                                             
  2,901 66
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate.                 
    500 74
Taxes on real estate .............     ..................................
   751 20
State taxes on premiums .         ..........................................
 15,842 39
Insurance department licenses and fees ......         .....................
 6,733 62
All other licenses. fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax ........      ...................  $1,187 11
Tax on securities (Camden, N. J.) .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1,140
C'ity and county taxes .........     ....................  2,905 33
Miscellaneous taxes ..........    ......................     435 98
5,628 42
Other disbursements:
Paid call loan, $52,000; interest on call loan,$37.34    $52,037 34
Subscriptions to publications ......     ................    282 20
Rent of box in vault, $100; fidelity bonds, $266.15..        366 15
Entertainment annual meeting ......        ..............    219 12
Traveling expenses of officers and employes      ......    1,841 54
Office and janitor's supplies, $370.07; heating, $392        762 07
Mercantile reports, $485; lighting, $569.84 ........       1,054 84
Insurance on furniture of office ...................         120 05
Office and miscellaneous expenses ......     ...........     820 85
57,504 16
Deposit premiums returned            .......................................
 742 15
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year, $60,000) ...........     .................................
 59,979 60
Paid stockholders for interest on amount paid for new capital      ...  
  6,975 42
Agents' balances charged off ............     ............................
    2 55
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets, viz.: Bonds     .....  
  1,134 94
Total disbursements ........        ..............................  $1,449,279
Balance ..     ................................................ $2,934,867
Book value of real estate ........     ....................  $86,992 99
Mortgage 'loans on real estate, first liens .   ..........  741,400 00
Loans secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or other
collateral .  ...........................................  96,250 00
Book value of bonds, $1,309,150.51, and stocks,
$431,366.90 .   .........................................  1,740,517 41
Cash in company's office ......    .........     $46 13
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest .........   .............    2,485 43
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on interest .........     ,.'.               37,126 78
39,658 94
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1, 1912 .......      ..............   228,328 99
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912.                                          409 25
Bills receivable, taken for fire risks ...                     710 40
Other ledger assets, viz.:
Cash deposit with Philadelphia Underwriters' As-
sociation  ..............  ...........................     100 00
Deposit with Western Sprinklered Risk Association            500 00
Total ledger assets ............................................ $2,934,867